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Frame drops

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May 22, 2003
I'm experiencing some trouble with dropped frames. I have Premiere set to 'abort' on dropped frames because I don't want to have video footage captured that will ultimately end up in my film- that is missing frames.

My system is a P4 2.8C Ghz and my hard drives are in RAID 0 so there should be no real bottleneck. Camera is Sony MiniDV which my system recognizes. Premiere 6.5, motherboard is Asus P4C800 deluxe and OS is Windows XP pro.

When I capture using the mobo's 1394 connector it drops frame every 5-10 seconds or so. As a result, I've opted not to use that connector.

I've lately been using my sound card's "SB1394" plug. It works very well, but I usually cannot capture more than 1 or 2 minutes before a single frame is dropped, Premiere aborts, and I have to start over.

As a solution, I've been capturing in smaller lengths (fewer takes per file). I could also just tell Premiere to NOT abort on dropped frames, but if you give it an inch, it'll take a mile.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks
any background programs running?
what is the speed of your HD?
IDe/SCI/ etc?
Hi WizyWyg, thanks for your response

I don't too much background stuff going: I have a motherboard monitor, my Logitech keyboard/mouse gimmicky software, and that's about it. Those take up almost no resources and I have a pretty new processor, so I doubt they are impacting. I guess I'll try shutting those off anyway just in case.

The hard drives are 7200rpm. One is an IDE and one is an S-ATA. Both are Western Digital Caviar 120GB with 8 meg cache.

I did have one thought though. Perhaps ASUS put the RAID controller on the PCI bus. Guess what else is on the PCI bus? My sound card, which has the firewire connector. So perhaps there is a bottleneck there because they share the PCI bus. I'm not sure about that, just a guess.

I don't suppose there's much I can do about it anyway is there?
Could be...

Tell you what, capture without sound and see what happens. You can always recapture yu audio at a later time using a different program, and then impor that wav/audio file into premiere. You'd have to do some "nudging" to get it to match up, but lets take it step by step.
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