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FoxyPreviewer Error Nr 1939 1

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Fernando Pereira

Sep 11, 2020

I use foxypreviewr, and recently I started having the following error on clients:

[li]WITH/ENDWITH no match[/li]

They are programs that I haven't updated for months, and out of nowhere they started giving this error.
Any suggestion?

Best Regards,
Fernando Pereira
Hi Fernando,
set your debugger on and find the place where the error occurs.
Stay healthy,
We have the source code for FoxyPreviewer. So can you give us the module (PRG, VCX, etc) and line number where the error occurs?

Also, you say you have been running your programs for months. But, given that the error hasn't occurred before, something must have changed. If not your program code, then perhaps something in the computers' environment, or in your data, or in some other component. Can you identify what has changed.

Finally, have you reported the error to the developers? (To do so, you will still need the module and line number where the error occurred.)


Mike Lewis (Edinburgh, Scotland)

Visual FoxPro articles, tips and downloads

The only information I have about the error is:
[li]method: show[/li]
[li]line: 312[/li]
[li]error: unknown member oform[/li]

I think it's in the file: frxpreview.vcx

Does this information help?

Best Regards,
Fernando Pereira
Not really. FRXPREVIEW.VCX is class library. The Show method usually applies to a form. But the library contains seven forms, and as far as I can see, none of them has any code in its Show method. But there is a Custom class that has a Show method (presumably a custom method), and this does have a reference to oForm at line 312 (but you also mentioned a WITH/ENDWITH error; I can't see how that is relevant).

I'm afraid this is as far as I can go with this. To solve this, you would need someone with a knowledge of the inner working of FoxyPreviewer. But, even then, you would have to demonstrate that you can reproduce the error.


Mike Lewis (Edinburgh, Scotland)

Visual FoxPro articles, tips and downloads


Yes, I mentioned a WITH / ENDWITH error because sometimes I get an error on line 305, having the same origin.

The this.oForm object does not exist.

The error occurs in frxpreview.vcx, in method Show.

Code where the error below occurs.

* Changed for SP1: These have nothing to do
* with the size and shape of the window:
with THIS.oForm
	* New in SP2:
	.MemberClass        = THIS.MemberClass
	.MemberClassLibrary = THIS.MemberClassLibrary
	if THIS.canvasCount > 0
		.canvasCount = THIS.canvasCount
	if THIS.currentPage > 0
		.currentPage = THIS.currentPage
	if THIS.zoomLevel > 0
		.zoomLevel = THIS.zoomLevel
	if not isnull( THIS.toolbarIsVisible )
		.toolbarIsVisible = THIS.toolbarIsVisible
	if not isnull( THIS.TextOnToolbar )
		.TextOnToolbar = THIS.TextOnToolbar
	.AllowPrintFromPreview = THIS.AllowPrintFromPreview

* Hook in the extension handler:
if not isnull( THIS.ExtensionHandler )
	THIS.oForm.extensionHandler = THIS.ExtensionHandler 

I haven't been able to simulate it yet, nor understand why it happened.

I noticed that I only know about clients that are working on an application that is on the server, and that are using a shortcut.

Best Regards,
Fernando Pereira
this is not correct, your error speaks about line 132, the piece of code does not have so much lines.
Also the method show on line 132 does not have a local oForm.
Since you state, I recently started getting errors, I believe it used to work before as it should be.
Please investigate what your clients changed lately.
And does it work OK with you localy? If not you should be able to reproduce the error.
And since it worked before I suggest you first update/refresh all your files app or exe
BTW which version of FP are you using?
Stay heathy,
The error occurs in frxpreview.vcx, in method Show.

As I mentioned earlier, frxpreview.vcx is class library, not a class. Class libraries do not have methods. You have to identify the specific class within the library that has the method that causes the error.


Mike Lewis (Edinburgh, Scotland)

Visual FoxPro articles, tips and downloads
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