Awesome program. However, when I use - REPORT FORM tmp5 OBJECT TYPE 10 TO FILE "d:\trash\tmp5.pdf", then send by creating the object ie
MSG = CREATEOBJECT("CDO.Message") and the setting for the object...user,password,email,attachment etc. it works!
If I use the previewer configuration, putting in the smtp settings, then click send in email it always fails. Wondering if this has happened to anyone else? Code below works, print to email from previewer will not work. Thought maybe someone ran across it
oMSG.To = m.lcemail
oMSG.From = m.lcfrom
oMSG.Subject = m.lcsubject
oMSG.TextBody = "Test sending PDF as an attachment"
oMSG.Configuration.Fields.Item(" = 2
oMSG.Configuration.Fields.Item(" = ""
oMSG.Configuration.Fields.Item(" = 25
oMSG.Configuration.Fields.Item(" = 20
oMSG.Configuration.Fields.Item(" = .f.
oMSG.Configuration.Fields.Item(" = m.lcfrom
oMSG.Configuration.Fields.Item(" ="mypassword"
oMSG.Configuration.Fields.Item(" = 1 && basice clear text
WAIT WINDOW 'Message to '+oMSG.To+' successfully delivered' NOWAIT
One Code to rule them all, One code to bind them.
If I use the previewer configuration, putting in the smtp settings, then click send in email it always fails. Wondering if this has happened to anyone else? Code below works, print to email from previewer will not work. Thought maybe someone ran across it
oMSG.To = m.lcemail
oMSG.From = m.lcfrom
oMSG.Subject = m.lcsubject
oMSG.TextBody = "Test sending PDF as an attachment"
oMSG.Configuration.Fields.Item(" = 2
oMSG.Configuration.Fields.Item(" = ""
oMSG.Configuration.Fields.Item(" = 25
oMSG.Configuration.Fields.Item(" = 20
oMSG.Configuration.Fields.Item(" = .f.
oMSG.Configuration.Fields.Item(" = m.lcfrom
oMSG.Configuration.Fields.Item(" ="mypassword"
oMSG.Configuration.Fields.Item(" = 1 && basice clear text
WAIT WINDOW 'Message to '+oMSG.To+' successfully delivered' NOWAIT
One Code to rule them all, One code to bind them.