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Foxpro2.6 "Not responding"

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Oct 31, 2000
I've been running a Foxpro2.6 app for several years. Recently while scrolling down records in an Attendance table using a browse window, or doing entries into it(through an application) the system hangs. The scrolling will stop or when SAVING, you'll wait 1-2 minutes. If you do Ctrl+Alt+Del, the Task says "NOT RESPONDING" after several seconds the system responds. Tested these problems on a Novell network, Win2000 Server network and even a stand alone laptop and on each system the same thing happens. Packed, recompiled etc, tried everything. Afraid same may be happening on other tables. Any help would be appreciated.
Have you tried deleting the CDX file and creating a new set of indexes.
use troubled.dbf
list status to file troubled.prg
close data
modi comm troubled.prg
Cut the all the info except the index info
delete file troubled.cdx
on error **
use troubled.dbf exclu
do troubled.prg
close data
try application.

David W. Grewe
ICQ VFP ActiveList #46145644
dgrewe, thank you for getting back to me. I had deleted and recreated the cdx before but that didn't work. I tried what you suggested and that too didn't work. I tried re-patching for fast processors, no good. It seems that if i remove all the data, it works until they put 200-300 records in and then the problem arises again. Also recreated a totally new table with same fields and imported the data. Can't understand why it hangs the application up, and then after a 10-45 second delay it responds back??? Never saw it before??? Some additional info. I'm running it on a 233 laptop (no network), a 333,500,700mhz,etc desktops on a MS win2000 network(Compaq530 dual 866mhz) and tested on a Novell network(Acer 266)....all with the same hang up when accessing this specific table????????
Could you possibly provide more info on the table (Table name, index tags, etc.) and maybe some code samples to look at?

Structure for table: att_unit.dbf
Number of data records: 43682
Date of last update: 10/31/1900
Code Page: 0
Field Field Name Type Width Dec Index Collate
1 STUDENT_ID Character 10
2 STAFF Character 4
3 XPROGRAM Character 4
4 WEEK_NO Numeric 3
5 WEEK_DTE Date 8
6 END_DTE Date 8
7 XCYCLE Character 6
8 AFTER_HRS Numeric 1
9 SU_ATT Character 2
10 SU_COORD Numeric 3
11 SU_MILES Numeric 5 2
12 SU_LOG1 Character 6
13 SU_LOG2 Character 6
14 SU_LOG3 Character 6
15 SU_LOG4 Character 6
16 SU_LOG5 Character 6
17 M_ATT Character 2
18 M_COORD Numeric 3
19 M_MILES Numeric 5 2
20 M_LOG1 Character 5
21 M_LOG2 Character 5
22 M_LOG3 Character 5
23 M_LOG4 Character 5
24 M_LOG5 Character 5
25 T_ATT Character 2
26 T_COORD Numeric 3
27 T_MILES Numeric 5 2
28 T_LOG1 Character 6
29 T_LOG2 Character 6
30 T_LOG3 Character 6
31 T_LOG4 Character 6
32 T_LOG5 Character 6
33 W_ATT Character 2
34 W_COORD Numeric 3
35 W_MILES Numeric 5 2
36 W_LOG1 Character 6
37 W_LOG2 Character 6
38 W_LOG3 Character 6
39 W_LOG4 Character 6
40 W_LOG5 Character 6
41 TH_ATT Character 2
42 TH_COORD Numeric 3
43 TH_MILES Numeric 5 2
44 TH_LOG1 Character 6
45 TH_LOG2 Character 6
46 TH_LOG3 Character 6
47 TH_LOG4 Character 6
48 TH_LOG5 Character 6
49 F_ATT Character 2
50 F_COORD Numeric 2
51 F_MILES Numeric 5 2
52 F_LOG1 Character 6
53 F_LOG2 Character 6
54 F_LOG3 Character 6
55 F_LOG4 Character 6
56 F_LOG5 Character 6
57 SA_ATT Character 2
58 SA_COORD Numeric 3
59 SA_MILES Numeric 5 2
60 SA_LOG1 Character 6
61 SA_LOG2 Character 6
62 SA_LOG3 Character 6
63 SA_LOG4 Character 6
64 SA_LOG5 Character 6
** Total ** 319

Indexes are:

Index tag: STUDENT_ID Collate: Machine Key: STUDENT_ID
Index tag: WEEK_DTE Collate: Machine Key: WEEK_DTE
Index tag: PROGRAM Collate: Machine Key: PROGRAM
Index tag: WEEK_DESC Collate: Machine Key: WEEK_NO (Descending)
Index tag: WEEKNO_SID Collate: Machine Key: STR(WEEK_NO,3,0)+ALLTRIM(STUDENT_ID) (Descending)
Index tag: WEEK_NO Collate: Machine Key: WEEK_NO
Index tag: SID_WEEK Collate: Machine Key: ALLTRIM(STUDENT_ID)+STR(WEEK_NO,3,0)
Lock(s): Exclusive USE

some code where scrolling hangs the machines up:

SET order to week_desc && descending date order, put recent at top
set near on
set filter to &filter_id
on key label rightmouse keyboard chr(23)
on key label ENTER keyboard chr(23)
define window PICKIT from 02,01 to 34,76 close title 'To Select, HIGHLIGHT STUDENT, Then Press ENTER or Right Mouse Button' system
brow window PICKIT fields student_id :H='STUDENT', ;
su_att :H='S', m_att :H='M', ;
t_att :H='T', w_att :H='W', ;
th_att :H='TH', f_att :H='F', ;
sa_att :H='SA' noedit

If you delete all indexes the scrolling will work OK. Add the CDX and it hangs. I rebuilt the tables
and the indexes several times.
I'll but your problem is the set filter to command.
Try using browse fields ... for ... while ... noedit window PICKIT
or do a query first pick from the cursor file.

David W. Grewe
ICQ VFP ActiveList #46145644
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