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FoxPro 2 in a Window in Win2000

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Technical User
Dec 29, 2000
I have FoxPro vs 2.0. I need to run it in extended mode (Foxprox.exe) in order to take
advantage of large arrays. I have three machine. One a 166 MHZ portable with Win95SR2, another a 200 MHZ Intel running NT4.0 FixPack6 and an 800 MHZ Athlon running Win2000 Professional. I can boot DOS from all of them and have Foxprox.exe
running on all three with the identical config.sys and autoexec.bat files. The program
runs well in pure DOS but I would like to run it in a Window under Win2000 but have
been unsuccessful in windowing it on all three machines. I have followed the instructions about setting up a config.nt but continue to get "Incompatible Memory Manager" errors.
Another point. Even thoguh it runs in pure DOS "Modify Command" does not work-
The RUN command fails. ??
Any help would be appreciated. In all casds the partition I am trying to run it form is FAT 16 and the Hard drive partiton is 1 GB or less.
Incidentally FoxPlus 2.0 runs well on all these.
As far as I have been able to determine, the extended memory manager that they (Fox Software) used for FP 2.0, just doesn't work under Windows - period. The expanded memory version does work, but you've got to make some configuration changes to load up the EMS memory manager in a DOS session, or you are limited to the default "standard" of 640kb.

What are the changes required for the expanded memory manager in DOS
in windows.
In pure DOS I use emm386 and that works fine. But in config.nt turning EMM on
or trying emm386 in config.nt gets me nowhere.

Any suggestions?
Morton Kaplon
Under NT 4.0 (SP 6a), I just created a shortcut to foxprol.exe (c:\foxpro2\foxprol.exe -cconfig.fp)- because it recognizes it as a DOS program, it makes a .PIF rather than a .LNK.
I used all the defaults except to change the Expanded (EMS) Memory Total to Auto rather than None on the Memory Tab of the property sheet.

The "Memory" page in the About FoxPro..., shows:
Total Memory: 368,304
EMS Memory: 4,194,304
First 64K of EMS Use: Standard Memory

That is what I had tried earlier. It still gives "Incompatible Memory Manager"
I also have a machine with NT 4.0 FixPack 6 installed and it behaves the same way with the same message.
Though in both machines works OK from pure DOS using
device=EMM386.exe ON
on in config.sys.
IF in NT 4.0 I REM out the himem.sys in config.nt then I get an error message that

The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegeal instruction at .......

Morton Kaplon
The only non-REM statements I have in my CONFIG.NT file are:
dos=high, umb

And in my AUTOEXEC.NT file are:
REM Install CD ROM extensions
lh %SystemRoot%\system32\mscdexnt.exe

REM Install network redirector (load before dosx.exe)
lh %SystemRoot%\system32\redir

REM Install DPMI support
lh %SystemRoot%\system32\dosx

Don't really know what it all means, just that it works.

Thank YOu veru much. config.nt is the same as yours essentially.
My autoexec.nt does not have the vips.exe and vlmsup.exe files.
they are not on either of my systems nor on the distribution disks. After doing some serching it seems that vips.exe is associated with NovellWare and I am unablel to get any handle onvlmsujp.exe at all.
DPMI support means : DosProtectedMemoryInterface.
dosx.exe is the 16 bit driver needed for DOS programs and presumably should be all
that is needed but I am unable to get anything to work.
Could you tell me what settings ar on the Memory tab of the Shortcut you use to set ths up.

Conventional memory:
Total: Auto Initial environment: Auto
Protected (unchecked)

Expanded (EMS) memory:
Total: Auto

Extended (XMS) memory:
Total: None
x Uses HMA (checked ?)

MS-DOS protected-mode (DPMI) memory:
Total: Auto

I haven't tried Fox 2.0, but my Fox 2.6a foxprox.exe works just fine under W2k with the same memory settings on the shortcut as rgbean posted.
Well I have now tried those and I still get "incompatible memory manager".
I thank you all for your suggestions and comments and will continue to play around with it, but I do not have much hope for success at this point.

I note that I am also striking out on my NT 4.0 machine in the same fashion.

Thanks any way

Well we are trying to run a foxprox program in a DOS box under W2K, and have found that with a new PC, where the default autoexec.nt is:

lh %SystemRoot%\system32\mscdexnt.exe
lh %SystemRoot%\system32\redir
lh %SystemRoot%\system32\dosx
path=c:\program files\E!TCP;C:\CsiTcp
lh %SystemRoot%\system32\nw16

lh %SystemRoot%\system32\vwipxspx

If we comment out any of the first 3 lines, then foxprox has the memory manager problem.

My question is, since we are not using IPX/SPX, which lines can we safely eliminate from this file?
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