How can I create a formula, to show my forename and surname field with First letter of forename and surname to be capital and the other letters to be lower case ?
Be aware that this will not cater for null values,
and may become incorrect for double barreled names
eg. Ann-Marie Street Porter --> Ann-marie Street porter
Ronald McDonald --> Ronald Mcdonald
There is another function available (its name escapes me) that is the same as the VB proper function, which capitalizes the first letter of every work in a string. Same downsides as FoxG mentioned with certain names. Software Support for Sage Mas90, Macola, Crystal Reports, Goldmine and MS Office
I know this question has been answered, but here is yet another way:
numbervar first := Length(trim({table.firstname}));
numbervar last := Length(trim({table.lastname}));
upper({table.firstname}[1])&{table.firstname}[2 to first]&
" "&Upper({table.lastname}[1])&{table.lastname}[2 to last]
This shows the use of the nifty substring operator.
Howard Hammerman,
Crystal Reports training, consulting, books, training material, software, and support. Scheduled training in 8 cities.
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