I have 3 fields called "Author", "Corp Author" and "Conference".
I'm trying to make a formula where if Author is populated it will print that.
If it's not it will check Corp Author and if thats populated print that, if thats blank then print conference.
I'm using the formula from a working example of another report of:
if OnFirstRecord and isnull ({tAuthor.fSystemKey}) or {tAuthor.fSystemKey}="" then {%Corporate} else
if OnFirstRecord and isnull ({tCorpAuthor.fSystemKey}) or {tCorpAuthor.fSystemKey}="" then {%Conference} else
if OnFirstRecord and isnull ({tConference.fSystemKey}) or {tConference.fSystemKey}="" then {%Author}
Where the %Author etc are "{fn LEFT(tAuthor."fTerm",200)}"
When i try and print this i get nothing printing at all.
Any ideas? Also can anyone explain the "Onfirstrecord" command? I read that it evaluates the statement as true if it's the first record in the report? Im not sure what that means.
I'm trying to make a formula where if Author is populated it will print that.
If it's not it will check Corp Author and if thats populated print that, if thats blank then print conference.
I'm using the formula from a working example of another report of:
if OnFirstRecord and isnull ({tAuthor.fSystemKey}) or {tAuthor.fSystemKey}="" then {%Corporate} else
if OnFirstRecord and isnull ({tCorpAuthor.fSystemKey}) or {tCorpAuthor.fSystemKey}="" then {%Conference} else
if OnFirstRecord and isnull ({tConference.fSystemKey}) or {tConference.fSystemKey}="" then {%Author}
Where the %Author etc are "{fn LEFT(tAuthor."fTerm",200)}"
When i try and print this i get nothing printing at all.
Any ideas? Also can anyone explain the "Onfirstrecord" command? I read that it evaluates the statement as true if it's the first record in the report? Im not sure what that means.