I'm trying to display all of the bed spaces in the "booked bed spaces" table(rmgt_t_room_person.ck_bed_space) for a parameter(?term) as well as all the rooms that are unbooked for the same period. (rmgt_t_room_configs.pk_bed_space) Contains all bed spaces. The "all bed spaces" table does not have a way to link to a date range and does not have a field that indicates whether it is booked or not.
(?term)= 8 charecter datetime field (rmgt_t_room_person.move_in_date)This field indicate the start of a term.
The formula I'm using is:
if {rmgt_t_Room_Configs.ck_Bed_Space}<>{rmgt_t_Rooms.fk_Room_No}
and isnull({pple_t_Person.ix_Last_Name}) or{rmgt_t_Room_Person.ck_Move_In_Date}={?Term}
then right({rmgt_t_Room_Configs.ck_Bed_Space},6)
I'm leaving out the rooms and just including the bedspaces which is what the first part of the formula is for.
I was able to do a basic version of this in Access by building a query that inlcuded only booked bedspaces that had a rmgt_t_Room_Person.ck_Move_In_Date of 01/01/2001
then I created a second query that left joined the "all bed spaces" table with the first query and this worked just fine. Well except for not having a parameter.
Thanks in advance!
Ed Colbeth
I'm trying to display all of the bed spaces in the "booked bed spaces" table(rmgt_t_room_person.ck_bed_space) for a parameter(?term) as well as all the rooms that are unbooked for the same period. (rmgt_t_room_configs.pk_bed_space) Contains all bed spaces. The "all bed spaces" table does not have a way to link to a date range and does not have a field that indicates whether it is booked or not.
(?term)= 8 charecter datetime field (rmgt_t_room_person.move_in_date)This field indicate the start of a term.
The formula I'm using is:
if {rmgt_t_Room_Configs.ck_Bed_Space}<>{rmgt_t_Rooms.fk_Room_No}
and isnull({pple_t_Person.ix_Last_Name}) or{rmgt_t_Room_Person.ck_Move_In_Date}={?Term}
then right({rmgt_t_Room_Configs.ck_Bed_Space},6)
I'm leaving out the rooms and just including the bedspaces which is what the first part of the formula is for.
I was able to do a basic version of this in Access by building a query that inlcuded only booked bedspaces that had a rmgt_t_Room_Person.ck_Move_In_Date of 01/01/2001
then I created a second query that left joined the "all bed spaces" table with the first query and this worked just fine. Well except for not having a parameter.
Thanks in advance!
Ed Colbeth