I made a spreadsheet by combining two files and it looks like as shown below
F.Name1 L.Name1 F.Name2 L.Name2 Match
John Reed Nancy Lu Y
Mike Dandy Kathy Rino N
Levy Nick James Mitch N
Lou Rice Long Lee Y
Kathy Rino David Wyne Y
James Mitch Lou Rice Y
Long Lee John Reed Y
If there is a match between F.Name1 and L.Name1 to F.name2 and L.Name2 in the range then Y is enterd in Match column or else N is entered. F.Name 1 and L.Name1 shoulkd match to F.Name2 and L.name2 at the same time.
If some once can write a sample formula to achieve the same I will be grateful. Thanks in advance.