I have Crystal XI and I write reports for a surgery department with 11 operating rooms. I need a formula that will select just the first case record of the day for each room no matter what time it started.
I am not sure I am following you. Some times the first surgery in a room could be at 10:00 and some at 7:30. I am trying to find just the first case of the day for each room so I can report on the on time starts.
I went back to a similar report I had built (calculate average time for first case of the day over a given period).
I needed to have more fields than just the time displayed so. So if this is the case for you, here is a simplification:
GH2 - Theatre
<Formula INIT>
//insert this formula in the GH2
//Set to highest possible time in the day
//Create shared variables for each field you would like to display (I put PatientName and MRN as an example)
//insert this formula in the details section
//include all the variables that you put in the Init formula
Shared Timevar tInit;
shared Timevar tFirstCase;
Shared Stringvar strPatientName;
Shared Stringvar strMRN;
//include all the variables that you put in the Init formula
If {ORtime.field} < than tInit then
tFirstCase := {ORtime.field};
strPatientName := {PatientName.field}
strMRN := {MRN.field}
(repeat for whatever fields you included)
Now depending on how you want to display this information you would create formulas that call the shared variable in
hopefully this is clear, I haven't had my morning cofee yet ; )
If you have a group on room and then date or date and then room, you should be able to insert a minimum on the datetime field at the appropriate group level.
I tried the formula and it is getting hung up on the than in the IF statement
Here is a copy of what I have so far.
//<Formula FIRSTCASE>
//insert this formula in the details section
//include all the variables that you put in the Init formula
Shared Timevar tInit;
shared Timevar tFirstCase;
Shared StringVar strcrn;
//include all the variables that you put in the Init formula
If {v_basic_booking_data_ODBC.book_setup_start_time} <= than tInit then
tFirstCase := {v_basic_booking_data_ODBC.book_setup_start_time};
strcrn := {v_basic_case_rec_data_ODBC_new.cr_urn};
// (repeat for whatever fields you included)
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