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Formula editor not saving things

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Aug 1, 2005
Good day,

I'm going nuts over here with this issue. I'm using CR XI R2 SP1 with all the latest hot fixes (version to be exact) and I'm still having problems, albeit much fewer than with XI R1.

Today what I noticed was that commenting out lines in my formula was synonymous with deleting lines. That's insane! Some times if I get to the formula editor a different way, the lines will reappear (get to the Selection Criteria Formula Editor through the Select expert instead of the pull down menus for instance).

Yesterday I typed about 70 lines of complex criteria and it didn't save any of it! And it's not just me, I can reproduce this problem on other machines. I put all the code back in (and copied it to a text file for safe keeping) and it did it again! It took several tries before I got it to save.

Anyone know if there is a fix available for this? I'd feel better if it was just my machine, but all the machines around here with CR XI have these issues.
I've never seen it nd I comment alomost every formula.

In basic you use:
rem blah

in CR syntax you use:

// blah

Which are you using, and where?

I'm using CR syntax like

I just demonstrated it to a coworker that administrates the BOEXI service. She couldn't believe it either when I showed her on her machine. Here's the example I used;

(if ({PPMS_PERMITS_V.DATE_APPLICATION_RECEIVED} >= date({?beginDateSuggest}) and
{PPMS_PERMITS_V.DATE_APPLICATION_RECEIVED} <= date({?endDateSuggest})) then true) and
({PPMS_PERMITS_V.PERMIT_TYPE} in {?Permit_types}) 
//(if {?District} <> "ALL" then
//{PPMS_PERMITS_V.MAINTENANCE_AREA_CODE} = {?District} else true)

Hit save and close, reopen it, and now it's

(if ({PPMS_PERMITS_V.DATE_APPLICATION_RECEIVED} >= date({?beginDateSuggest}) and
{PPMS_PERMITS_V.DATE_APPLICATION_RECEIVED} <= date({?endDateSuggest})) then true) and
({PPMS_PERMITS_V.PERMIT_TYPE} in {?Permit_types})

These reports that I'm testing and debugging were originally made in XI R1 but I made a fresh new report in XI R2 right in front of her and it behaved the same way. At least I know I'm not seeing things.
Where are you placing this formula?

WHn I asked where, I didn't mean your coworkers computer...what sort of formula???

If this is a record selection formula, it looks malformed to me anyway, and wouldn't work optimally.

Near as I can tell, this:

if ({PPMS_PERMITS_V.DATE_APPLICATION_RECEIVED} >= date({?beginDateSuggest}) and
{PPMS_PERMITS_V.DATE_APPLICATION_RECEIVED} <= date({?endDateSuggest})) then true

does nothing...

Perhaps you need:


Amyay, I tried saving something similar and it saved here, I'm on CR XI

don't get offended if I ask....

after you save and close out of the formula editor box, do you hit the "OK" button before you leave the select expert box?
i do it as second nature practice because there were a few times that I only save and close, then i "X" out of the select expert box and it didn't save my formulas.
I don't use the select expert at all, I eidt directly using Report->Selection formula->Record.

And when I save I use Ctrl-S.

Perhaps someone elsecan assist you, Iasked a question and posed some issues and you just ignored them...

i'm not sure if you're addressing me in your last response Synapsevampire.... but my response to THIS thread was not for YOU, but for cully651 (the person who's asking for suggestions). cully651 mentioned that he was using the select expert in his initial opening thread.

Thanks to all for your help. We're sending a bug report in to BO on this one.

Some of us (there are 3 developers) go in using the Select Expert and some use the pull down menu Report -> Selection Formulas -> Record. Either way it brings you to the same editor.

Synapsevampire, the logic was working fine but thank you just the same for your tip. I don't write it that way (I use something very similar to what you show) but the code was working as expected.

localgirl3l, yes we are saving each time. We've purposely ~not~ saved just to make sure that it's not something simple like that. We've tested the issue on several workstations now.

Thanks again for your input.
Synapsevampire, I apologize for not fully answering your question. This problem is in the selection criteria, however it could very well be in any formula written in the formula editor. I haven't tested that but now I'm going to go back and try it.
We're getting closer....

The Group Formula editor and Format Formula editor don't display this problem. Only the Record Selection Formula editor.

Also, if someone (everyone) uses the pull down menu Report -> Selection Formulas -> Record the problem doesn't seem to show up. However, if anyone uses the Select Expert to get to the Record Selection Formula editor (same number of clicks either way) the comments are not displayed. Unfortunately, if they make any change at all and hit save, all the comments are effectively deleted.
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