I have a report that is grouped by case number. Each record has a case_status_date and I am trying to return only the groups that contain matching case status dates. I created a formula called @new1 with the following: if {Command.CASE_STATUS_DATE} = next({Command.CASE_STATUS_DATE}) then 1. I put this formula in the details of my report and a 1.00 displays where the case status date matches the next case status date - perfect. I then was trying to use a group selection formula to display only the case_num groups where the @new1 contains a 1. Tried the following group selection formula of sum({@new1},{Command.CASE_NUM})=1. When I try to save, I encounter an error of this field (@new1) cannot be summarized.
Any help would be appreciated. I'm using Crystal Reports XI
Any help would be appreciated. I'm using Crystal Reports XI