I am not a crystal guru by any means and I do not understand alot of the language. I have a crystal report which was built by another party, and I am trying to figure out what this formula is saying in english. I know which tables it is looking at in my erp system, I just don't understand the logic.
If anyone could break this down into english I would appreciate it. Thanks
stringvar invoice;
stringvar evalinv:="no";
stringvar trantype;
stringvar evaltran:="no";
stringvar sequencet;
stringvar evalseqt:="no";
if {AR6_TransPaymentHistory.TransactionType} = "P" then invoice:={AR6_TransPaymentHistory.PymntReferenceCheckNumber}
else invoice:={AR6_TransPaymentHistory.InvoiceNumber};
iF {AR6_TransPaymentHistory.TransactionType} IN ["I","D","A","C","F"] THEN
if invoice = next({AR6_TransPaymentHistory.InvoiceNumber}) then evalinv:="yes";
If trantype = next({AR6_TransPaymentHistory.TransactionType}) then evaltran:="YES";
If sequencet = next({AR6_TransPaymentHistory.SeqNumber}) then evalseqt:="yes";
iF {AR6_TransPaymentHistory.TransactionType} IN ["P"] THEN
if invoice = next({AR6_TransPaymentHistory.PymntReferenceCheckNumber}) then evalinv:="yes";
If trantype = next({AR6_TransPaymentHistory.TransactionType}) then evaltran:="YES";
If sequencet = next({AR6_TransPaymentHistory.SeqNumber}) then evalseqt:="yes";
If evalinv = "yes" then
If evaltran = "YES" then
if evalseqt = "yes" then "SKIP
I am not a crystal guru by any means and I do not understand alot of the language. I have a crystal report which was built by another party, and I am trying to figure out what this formula is saying in english. I know which tables it is looking at in my erp system, I just don't understand the logic.
If anyone could break this down into english I would appreciate it. Thanks
stringvar invoice;
stringvar evalinv:="no";
stringvar trantype;
stringvar evaltran:="no";
stringvar sequencet;
stringvar evalseqt:="no";
if {AR6_TransPaymentHistory.TransactionType} = "P" then invoice:={AR6_TransPaymentHistory.PymntReferenceCheckNumber}
else invoice:={AR6_TransPaymentHistory.InvoiceNumber};
iF {AR6_TransPaymentHistory.TransactionType} IN ["I","D","A","C","F"] THEN
if invoice = next({AR6_TransPaymentHistory.InvoiceNumber}) then evalinv:="yes";
If trantype = next({AR6_TransPaymentHistory.TransactionType}) then evaltran:="YES";
If sequencet = next({AR6_TransPaymentHistory.SeqNumber}) then evalseqt:="yes";
iF {AR6_TransPaymentHistory.TransactionType} IN ["P"] THEN
if invoice = next({AR6_TransPaymentHistory.PymntReferenceCheckNumber}) then evalinv:="yes";
If trantype = next({AR6_TransPaymentHistory.TransactionType}) then evaltran:="YES";
If sequencet = next({AR6_TransPaymentHistory.SeqNumber}) then evalseqt:="yes";
If evalinv = "yes" then
If evaltran = "YES" then
if evalseqt = "yes" then "SKIP