I've got some vbscript code that I am trying to format into the proper XML format.
I need to have double quotes (") around the #ALL# value and the clause in the where statement, but I forget how to do it at the moment and have been working on this for two days and getting nowhere. Any ideas on how to fix my syntax so I can move on and test?
Thanks, Todd
Dim sAXL
sAXL = ""
sAXL = sAXL & "<?xml version='1.0' ?><ARCXML version='1.1'>"
sAXL = sAXL & " <GET_FEATURES outputmode='newxml' skipfeatures='true' geometry='false'>"
sAXL = sAXL & " <LAYER id='12' />"
sAXL = sAXL & " <SPATIALQUERY subfields=#ALL# where=CENSUS.C00_ZIP_CODES.ZCTA5="
sAXL = sAXL & "'" & zipcode & "'" & " />"
sAXL = sAXL & "</REQUEST>"
sAXL = sAXL & "</ARCXML>"
I need to have double quotes (") around the #ALL# value and the clause in the where statement, but I forget how to do it at the moment and have been working on this for two days and getting nowhere. Any ideas on how to fix my syntax so I can move on and test?
Thanks, Todd