I hardly ever use frames and I am working on a project that requires a page using frames. Please look at it and tell me where I've gone wrong. I can't seem to get everything to fit together nicely.
I'm also going to try and use tables to format the layout.
view page at <A HREF="########## Page ##################
############### End Code #############
########### Associated pages #############
>>>>> Top.asp page
>>>>>>>>>>>L-Side.asp page
>>>>>>>>>>>>> content.asp is vbscript code with a table 247 pix wide.
>>>>>> R-Side.asp
>>>>>>>>>> Bottom.asp
I'm also going to try and use tables to format the layout.
view page at <A HREF="########## Page ##################
<title>Pocket PC</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;">
<!-- Triplet Publishing Group (619) 425-9550 [URL unfurl="true"]www.tripletpublishing.com-->[/URL]
<!-- frames -->
<frameset rows="11%,58%,30%">
<frame name="Top" src="/EStation/pda/top.asp" scrolling="no" frameborder="0">
<frameset cols="20%,64%,17%">
<frame name="L-Side" src="/EStation/pda/L-Side.asp" scrolling="no" frameborder="0">
<frame name="Content" src="/EStation/pda/content.asp" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0">
<frame name="R-Side" src="/EStation/pda/R-Side.asp" scrolling="no" frameborder="0">
<frame name="Bottom" src="/EStation/pda/Bottom.asp" scrolling="no" frameborder="0">
<!-- End content frame -->
########### Associated pages #############
>>>>> Top.asp page
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>PDA Top</title>
<img name="top" src="/EStation/graphics/top.jpg" width="450" height="74" border="0" alt="">
>>>>>>>>>>>L-Side.asp page
<title>PDA Left-side</title>
<img name="L-Side" src="/EStation/graphics/L-Side.jpg" width="88" height="377" border="0" alt="">
>>>>>>>>>>>>> content.asp is vbscript code with a table 247 pix wide.
>>>>>> R-Side.asp
<title>PDA R-Side</title>
<img name="R-Side" src="/EStation/graphics/R-Sise.jpg" width="75" height="377" border="0" alt="">
>>>>>>>>>> Bottom.asp
<title>PDA Bottom</title>
<img name="Bottom" src="/EStation/graphics/Bottom.jpg" width="450" height="197" border="0" alt="">