I have a requirement to produce some address cards using Crystal Reports 10 Professional, using data from a MS SQL Server 2000 database. The cards need to be printed 4 up on A4 in landscape, which I have set up with no problem, however they need to look someting like this (example using 12 records):
Page 1
Record 1 Record 4
Record 7 Record 10
Page 2
Record 2 Record 5
Record 8 Record 11
Page 3
Record 3 Record 6
Record 9 Record 12
The idea being, that when the cards cut into 4 piles, each one runs numerically when looking 'down' the pile.
I hope that makes some kind of sense, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks
I have a requirement to produce some address cards using Crystal Reports 10 Professional, using data from a MS SQL Server 2000 database. The cards need to be printed 4 up on A4 in landscape, which I have set up with no problem, however they need to look someting like this (example using 12 records):
Page 1
Record 1 Record 4
Record 7 Record 10
Page 2
Record 2 Record 5
Record 8 Record 11
Page 3
Record 3 Record 6
Record 9 Record 12
The idea being, that when the cards cut into 4 piles, each one runs numerically when looking 'down' the pile.
I hope that makes some kind of sense, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks