I have a graph that is formatted to show the following date format:
Jan-11, Feb-11, Mar-11, etc, for example.
I have converted the table date data in the following manner:
@ToDate = cdate({@Year},{@MonthConvert},01) where
@Year = tonumber({tbl_Convert_Calendar_to_Fiscal.Calendar_Year})
@MonthConvert = tonumber({@Month})
I am graphing the formula @ToDateF :cstr({@ToDate},"MMM-yy") in order to give me the Jan-11 format.
For the most part, this works. However, when a new month of data comes in, that new month either appears as "Other" or is sorted incorrectly. How do I program this so that Crystal automatically recognizes the proper chronological order?
The idea is to automate reports so that everything becomes automatically generated month after month. Currently, after every month, I have to go in and modify these date issues by adding in the new month under the OnChangeOf order button.
Jan-11, Feb-11, Mar-11, etc, for example.
I have converted the table date data in the following manner:
@ToDate = cdate({@Year},{@MonthConvert},01) where
@Year = tonumber({tbl_Convert_Calendar_to_Fiscal.Calendar_Year})
@MonthConvert = tonumber({@Month})
I am graphing the formula @ToDateF :cstr({@ToDate},"MMM-yy") in order to give me the Jan-11 format.
For the most part, this works. However, when a new month of data comes in, that new month either appears as "Other" or is sorted incorrectly. How do I program this so that Crystal automatically recognizes the proper chronological order?
The idea is to automate reports so that everything becomes automatically generated month after month. Currently, after every month, I have to go in and modify these date issues by adding in the new month under the OnChangeOf order button.