Technical User
I am new to this forum and need help with formatting output. I have written a program in Fortran 90 that calculates wind erosion. It uses 24 hourly wind data sets and computes the dust emission for each model grid cell for each hour. Currently the output files write these data in one file in a single column. I would like to change it so each hourly iteration of the program writes to a column and therefore I would have 24 columns of data in each the output file. In previous applications of this model I have had a low enough number of grid cells that I could import the output files into excel and use a macro to reformat the file. Now I have 257664 grid cells so I need to reformat the model's output file.
Example code:
! --------- temporal and spatial wind fields ustar computation ------------------------
!* This subroutine is the engine of the program, it controls the cycle through input days and hours *
!* it also opens all the external files for data output, calculates the ustar from the input wind *
!* files and then calls the subroutine that calculate the horizontal flux *
!* it USE the arrays module which defines the dimensions of the the arrays shared between program *
!* units, the arrays module also includes the erodpara.inc file that defines all the parameters used*
!* by program units. *
subroutine beginBC
use arraysBC ! module containing arrays and include file erodparaBC.inc
implicit none
integer:: ij, ih, lat, long, i, j
real:: van, ustarns, maxwind, minsoilthres, lnval, tempz0, v_z0
! open all external output files
open (70, file='vflux.dat',status='unknown', form='formatted')
open (75, file='F_tot.dat',status='unknown', form='formatted')
do 10 ij=1,nday ! do loop based on days modelled, defined parameter in erodpara.inc
write (6,'(a5,i3)') 'day=',ij ! written to screen so user can know programs status
do 20 ih=1,nhour ! do loop based on hours modelled, defined parameter in erodpara.inc
write (6,'(a5,i3)') 'hr=',ih ! written to screen so user can know programs status
write(70,'(a5,1X,i3,1X,a5,1X,i3)')'day=',ij, 'hour=',ih
write(75,'(a5,1X,i3,1X,a5,1X,i3)')'day=',ij, 'hour=',ih
do 30 lat=1,nlat !these are rows
do 40 long=1,nlong !these are columns
do 50 i=1,ntyp !this is the number of soiltypes&vegtypes in a grid cell
tempz0=(z/v_z0) ! z0 fixed for this study at met tower derivied 0.0002m; z = 10m
lnval = log(tempz0) ! this compiler not recognizing LN function
Ustarns=(VK*van)/ lnval
Ustar (long,lat,i)=Ustarns ! fill array of Ustar values based on 10m wind field generated by Calmet
50 continue
40 continue
30 continue
!filter used to check if the winds strong enough for erosion on bare soil, if not move to next time step
if (maxwind .lt. umin)then
!fill the output files with 0.0s
write(70,'(E13.3)') (vert_flux)! try to write to output file of vertical flux by hour
write(75,'(E13.3)') (tot_flux)
Goto 20 ! go to next hour time step
call Calc_UthBC !
20 continue
10 continue
end subroutine beginBC
Subroutine Calc_UthBC
use arraysBC
implicit none
real(8), Dimension (numgas):: soilarray
integer:: lat, long, i, r, j, k, count
real:: UthRs, qwhites, cal_q, ustarpass, rep_uths, tmp_percent, rcount, rnumgas,v_flux
real:: cal_vfluxsol2, cal_vfluxsol3, cal_vfluxsol4, cal_vfluxsol5
do 30 lat=1,nlat !rows
do 40 long=1,nlong !columns
do 50 i=1,ntyp !soiltypes in a cell
count=0 !reset counter
if ((soiltyp(long,lat,i)).EQ.99.)then !off the grid
UthRs =-1.d0
UthR(long,lat,i)=UthRs !for array of partitioned shear velocity
percent(long,lat,i)=-1 ! for array of percent emission
elseif ((soiltyp(long,lat,i)).EQ.2.)then
UthRs= min2 ! min2 is min threshold shear velocity for soiltype2;
IF (Ustar(long,lat,i).gt.UthRs) count=count+1
percent(long,lat,i)=nint(tmp_percent) !converted to an integer value
UthRs=0.0 ! reset
soilarray=0.0 !reset
rep_uths=0.0 !reset
soilarray=soil2 !define array to be passed to subroutine
call ran_index(soilarray,rep_uths)
UthRs= rep_uths ! *(dsqrt((1-m*sigma(i)*lambda(i))*(1+m*betaR*lambda(i)))) ! rep_uths is a random value drawn from threshold shear velocity for soiltype array
IF (Ustar(long,lat,i).lt.UthRs) then !no erosion based on sampled threshold value
v_flux = 0.d0
ELSE !erosion, because wind force is greater than threshold shear velocity
!keep track of number of times this occurs for probability purposes
v_flux=cal_vfluxsol2(ustarpass)! for BC hydro changing cal_flux to use power functions for soil type
! note there are many more soil classes but I've only shown 2 in this posted example
end if
50 continue
write(80,'(i3)') (percent(long,lat,i),i=1,ntyp) !Integer number output
write(70,'(E13.3)') (vert_flux(long,lat,i),i=1,ntyp)! Scientific number output ntyp=1
write(90,'(F10.2)') (UthR(long,lat,i),i=1,ntyp) !Real number output
40 continue
30 continue
end subroutine Calc_UthBC
Thank you for you time
Example code:
!* This subroutine is the engine of the program, it controls the cycle through input days and hours *
!* it also opens all the external files for data output, calculates the ustar from the input wind *
!* files and then calls the subroutine that calculate the horizontal flux *
!* it USE the arrays module which defines the dimensions of the the arrays shared between program *
!* units, the arrays module also includes the erodpara.inc file that defines all the parameters used*
!* by program units. *
subroutine beginBC
use arraysBC ! module containing arrays and include file erodparaBC.inc
implicit none
integer:: ij, ih, lat, long, i, j
real:: van, ustarns, maxwind, minsoilthres, lnval, tempz0, v_z0
! open all external output files
open (70, file='vflux.dat',status='unknown', form='formatted')
open (75, file='F_tot.dat',status='unknown', form='formatted')
do 10 ij=1,nday ! do loop based on days modelled, defined parameter in erodpara.inc
write (6,'(a5,i3)') 'day=',ij ! written to screen so user can know programs status
do 20 ih=1,nhour ! do loop based on hours modelled, defined parameter in erodpara.inc
write (6,'(a5,i3)') 'hr=',ih ! written to screen so user can know programs status
write(70,'(a5,1X,i3,1X,a5,1X,i3)')'day=',ij, 'hour=',ih
write(75,'(a5,1X,i3,1X,a5,1X,i3)')'day=',ij, 'hour=',ih
do 30 lat=1,nlat !these are rows
do 40 long=1,nlong !these are columns
do 50 i=1,ntyp !this is the number of soiltypes&vegtypes in a grid cell
tempz0=(z/v_z0) ! z0 fixed for this study at met tower derivied 0.0002m; z = 10m
lnval = log(tempz0) ! this compiler not recognizing LN function
Ustarns=(VK*van)/ lnval
Ustar (long,lat,i)=Ustarns ! fill array of Ustar values based on 10m wind field generated by Calmet
50 continue
40 continue
30 continue
!filter used to check if the winds strong enough for erosion on bare soil, if not move to next time step
if (maxwind .lt. umin)then
!fill the output files with 0.0s
write(70,'(E13.3)') (vert_flux)! try to write to output file of vertical flux by hour
write(75,'(E13.3)') (tot_flux)
Goto 20 ! go to next hour time step
call Calc_UthBC !
20 continue
10 continue
end subroutine beginBC
Subroutine Calc_UthBC
use arraysBC
implicit none
real(8), Dimension (numgas):: soilarray
integer:: lat, long, i, r, j, k, count
real:: UthRs, qwhites, cal_q, ustarpass, rep_uths, tmp_percent, rcount, rnumgas,v_flux
real:: cal_vfluxsol2, cal_vfluxsol3, cal_vfluxsol4, cal_vfluxsol5
do 30 lat=1,nlat !rows
do 40 long=1,nlong !columns
do 50 i=1,ntyp !soiltypes in a cell
count=0 !reset counter
if ((soiltyp(long,lat,i)).EQ.99.)then !off the grid
UthRs =-1.d0
UthR(long,lat,i)=UthRs !for array of partitioned shear velocity
percent(long,lat,i)=-1 ! for array of percent emission
elseif ((soiltyp(long,lat,i)).EQ.2.)then
UthRs= min2 ! min2 is min threshold shear velocity for soiltype2;
IF (Ustar(long,lat,i).gt.UthRs) count=count+1
percent(long,lat,i)=nint(tmp_percent) !converted to an integer value
UthRs=0.0 ! reset
soilarray=0.0 !reset
rep_uths=0.0 !reset
soilarray=soil2 !define array to be passed to subroutine
call ran_index(soilarray,rep_uths)
UthRs= rep_uths ! *(dsqrt((1-m*sigma(i)*lambda(i))*(1+m*betaR*lambda(i)))) ! rep_uths is a random value drawn from threshold shear velocity for soiltype array
IF (Ustar(long,lat,i).lt.UthRs) then !no erosion based on sampled threshold value
v_flux = 0.d0
ELSE !erosion, because wind force is greater than threshold shear velocity
!keep track of number of times this occurs for probability purposes
v_flux=cal_vfluxsol2(ustarpass)! for BC hydro changing cal_flux to use power functions for soil type
! note there are many more soil classes but I've only shown 2 in this posted example
end if
50 continue
write(80,'(i3)') (percent(long,lat,i),i=1,ntyp) !Integer number output
write(70,'(E13.3)') (vert_flux(long,lat,i),i=1,ntyp)! Scientific number output ntyp=1
write(90,'(F10.2)') (UthR(long,lat,i),i=1,ntyp) !Real number output
40 continue
30 continue
end subroutine Calc_UthBC
Thank you for you time