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Form won't submit on Mac IE

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Jul 18, 2002
I'm trying to submit a form using an image link (using a link instead of an image form button so a mouse over image can be used). It works fine on all other browsers, but not on Mac IE - no errors are found and it does absolutely nothing.

Here's what I've tried:
1.) <a href="javascript: document.frmProduct.submit(); void(0);" ><img src="images/bt_order.gif" name="btnOrderProduct" border="0"></a>

2.) <a href="javascript: void(document.frmProduct.submit());" ><img src="images/bt_order.gif" name="btnOrderProduct" border="0"></a>

3.) <a href="javascript: void();" onClick="javascript: document.frmProduct.submit(); return false;"><img src="images/bt_order.gif" name="btnOrderProduct" border="0"></a> **This one works fine with submitting the form using a text link, but as soon as I add the image, it pukes..

Any help would be greatly apprcieated!!!!!

Thanks in advance!!!
Try this:

<a href="#" onclick="document.forms['frmProduct'].submit(); return false;"><img ... /></a>

Additionally, why not do this:
<input type="image" src="origimg.gif" onmouseover="this.src = 'otherimg.gif';" onmouseout="this.src = 'origimg.gif';" />

[tt]insert funny quotation here.[/tt]
That did not work either... no error, it just won't submit... I was not able to get the mouse overs to work on all browsers in the input type=image...

Also, there are more than 1 form on the page each are named frmProduct + product id (frmProduct123, frmProduct 124, frmProduct125, and so on...) I wouldn't think that that would be the issue as to why it's not submitting...
that is the issue.

[tt]insert funny quotation here.[/tt]
IE on Mac can't handle submiting a form through a link if there are multiple forms on the page?
you can't say "submit form blah" if the form name is blah123 and blah1234.

[tt]insert funny quotation here.[/tt]
I'm not using frmProduct.submit() for each, I'm using frmProduct123.submit() for frmProduct123, frmProduct124.submit() for frmProduct124, and so on...

I was just using frmProduct as an example form in the submit buttons code above so you could see how I was trying to submit the form... I am using the proper form name for each submit button... But it's still not working
I found out what was causing it not to submit... Evidently you have to have at least one input field in the form for Mac IE to submit the form... I didn't have any input fields as I was passing all the info through the action url... So I just created a hidden field and it worked... Just thought I'd share this with you all...

Cole ;)
why are you trying to submit a blank form anyway?

[tt]insert funny quotation here.[/tt]
ya know, I'm not sure... ;) One of my co-workers built the page and I noticed that it wouldn't submit in Mac IE so I was trying to figure the problem out... I think it was done that way, cuz the page has an infinate # of forms on it and each requires about 6 or 7 hidden fields, so I think it may have been done to save loading time or what not... Still not entirely sure... :)
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