I'll try to setup my question.
I have a form with a 2 listboxs(multiselect).
The first listbox I want to allow the user to select the report to run, 1 or up to 12 different reports.
The second list box I want to allow the user to select a office, 1 or up to 16.
The report source is a query, each report has a seperate query, due to different job title data.
Here my code so far:
Private Sub OK_Click()
On Error GoTo err_preview_report_click
Dim title, wclause, RO_name, ro
Dim frm As Form, ctl As Control
Dim varitm As Variant
Dim strlist As String
Dim strlsit2 As String
strlist = ""
Set frm = Forms![frm_srp_sal_ro]
Set ctl = frm![Ro_list]
For Each varitm In ctl.ItemsSelected
strlist = "" & ctl.ItemData(varitm) & ""
strlist2 = strlist2 & "" & ctl.ItemData(varitm) & "" & "or"
Next varitm
'For Each title In Me![report_list].ItemsSelected
' wclause = Me![report_list].ItemData(title)
'DoCmd.OpenReport reportname:=wclause, view:=acViewNormal, wherecondition:=rname
'DoCmd.OpenReport reportname:=wclause, view:=acViewNormal, wherecondition:="[Local_Dep] =" & Forms![frm_srp_sal_ro]![Ro_list]
'For Each title In Me![report_list].ItemsSelected
For Each ro In Me![Ro_list].ItemsSelected
Ro_list = Me![Ro_list].ItemData(ro)
' wclause = Me![report_list].ItemData(title)
'DoCmd.OpenReport reportname:=wclause, view:=acViewNormal, wherecondition:=rname
' DoCmd.OpenReport reportname:=wclause, view:=acViewNormal, wherecondition:=rname
DoCmd.OpenReport reportname:="Account Clerk", view:=acViewNormal, wherecondition:=Ro_list
Me.report_list = ""
Me.[Ro_list] = ""
Exit Sub
As you can tell I'm still trying to work out how to cycle through the selections and then how to process them.
Thanks to all that reply,
MsgBox "Select a report!"
End Sub
I'll try to setup my question.
I have a form with a 2 listboxs(multiselect).
The first listbox I want to allow the user to select the report to run, 1 or up to 12 different reports.
The second list box I want to allow the user to select a office, 1 or up to 16.
The report source is a query, each report has a seperate query, due to different job title data.
Here my code so far:
Private Sub OK_Click()
On Error GoTo err_preview_report_click
Dim title, wclause, RO_name, ro
Dim frm As Form, ctl As Control
Dim varitm As Variant
Dim strlist As String
Dim strlsit2 As String
strlist = ""
Set frm = Forms![frm_srp_sal_ro]
Set ctl = frm![Ro_list]
For Each varitm In ctl.ItemsSelected
strlist = "" & ctl.ItemData(varitm) & ""
strlist2 = strlist2 & "" & ctl.ItemData(varitm) & "" & "or"
Next varitm
'For Each title In Me![report_list].ItemsSelected
' wclause = Me![report_list].ItemData(title)
'DoCmd.OpenReport reportname:=wclause, view:=acViewNormal, wherecondition:=rname
'DoCmd.OpenReport reportname:=wclause, view:=acViewNormal, wherecondition:="[Local_Dep] =" & Forms![frm_srp_sal_ro]![Ro_list]
'For Each title In Me![report_list].ItemsSelected
For Each ro In Me![Ro_list].ItemsSelected
Ro_list = Me![Ro_list].ItemData(ro)
' wclause = Me![report_list].ItemData(title)
'DoCmd.OpenReport reportname:=wclause, view:=acViewNormal, wherecondition:=rname
' DoCmd.OpenReport reportname:=wclause, view:=acViewNormal, wherecondition:=rname
DoCmd.OpenReport reportname:="Account Clerk", view:=acViewNormal, wherecondition:=Ro_list
Me.report_list = ""
Me.[Ro_list] = ""
Exit Sub
As you can tell I'm still trying to work out how to cycle through the selections and then how to process them.
Thanks to all that reply,
MsgBox "Select a report!"
End Sub