Hello, I made a guild applictaion for World of Warcraft, and am confused about two things.
for class, If someone selects a option other then Mage or Palidin, I want them echo'd
Sorry but we aren't recruiting $_POST(class)s at this time
but the if statement isn't working, I just get errors about the end where the e-mail is sent.
Also a very weird thing. If in the free hand answers, or even my select answers contain a ' it's replaced with a / in the post feature. How do I make so it stops doing that?
here's the code for my sendmail.php if the code for the form is needed let me know pls
<meta http-equiv="Ascensio; guild; world of warcraft; world of warcrack; wow; guilds; massive multiplayer online role playing games; addiction; community; mmorpg; mmorpgs; mmorpg's" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Ascensio Guild Recruitment</title>
<body bgcolor="#05475f">
<table width="770" border="1" bgcolor="CCCCCC" >
--------------added to show what I put in------------------
if (class="warrior")
if (class="hunter")
echo "Sorry but we aren't recruiting $_POST(class)s at this time."
{ else }
---------------------end of what I added-------------------
echo "Thank you, $_POST[char], for your request. It has been sent to 5 of 11 council members for review, you will be contacted either in game or by e-mail.</p>
<p>The information you inputted was:<br>
Charater Requesting: $_POST[char]<br>
Voucher: $_POST[voucher]<br>
LVL: $_POST[lvl] Class: $_POST[class]<br>
Build: $_POST[build]<br>
Contact E-Mail: $_POST<br>
(only used to contact you for recruitment reasons)<br>
CTPORFILE Link: $_POST[ctprofile]<br>
Professioin 1-$_POST[pro1] Profession 2-$_POST[pro2]<br>
Molten Core- $_POST[mc]<br>
Blackwing Lair-$_POST[bwl]<br>
Vent/mod/add-on Requirements: $_POST[will]<br>
Unbuffed Resists:
About you: $_POST[about]<br>
Why Ascensio: $_POST[whyus]<br>
Old Guild 1: $_POST[og1]<br>
Old Guild 2: $_POST[og2]<br>
Old Guild 3: $_POST[og3]<br>
Reason for leaving each: $_POST[ogreason]<br>
What wait for 5 sunders means to me:<br> $_POST[sunder]<br>
RAID Atten weekly: $_POST[week]<br>
Randomness: $_POST[randomness]<br>
Path Clearing: $_POST[pathdestroy]";
//start building the mail string
$msg = "The information for $_POST[char]
Voucher: $_POST[voucher]
LVL: $_POST[lvl]
Class: $_POST[class]
Build: $_POST[build]
Contact E-Mail: $_POST[email]
(only use for contact for recruitment reasons do not post in forums)
CTPROFILE Link: $_POST[ctprofile]
Profession 1-$_POST[pro1] ----- Profession 2-$_POST[pro2]
Molten Core-$_POST[mc]
Blackwing Lair-$_POST[bwl]
Vent/mod/add-on Requirements: $_POST[will]
Unbuffed Resists:
About you: $_POST[about]
Why Ascensio: $_POST[whyus]
Old Guild 1: $_POST[og1]
Old Guild 2: $_POST[og2]
Old Guild 3: $_POST[og3]
Reason for leaving each: $_POST[ogreason]
What wait for 5 sunders means to me: $_POST[sunder]
RAID Atten weekly: $_POST[week]
Randomness: $_POST[randomness]
Path Clearing: $_POST[pathdestroy]";
//set up the mail
$recipient = "took out the e-mail addresses";
$subject = "Guild Entry for $_POST[char], $_POST[class]";
$mailheaders = "From: Ascensio App form";
$mailheaders = "Reply-To: cgimana@adelphia.net";
//send the mail
mail($recipient, $subject, $msg, $mailheaders);
-Hoped I helped. Don't forget this site is Member supported.
for class, If someone selects a option other then Mage or Palidin, I want them echo'd
Sorry but we aren't recruiting $_POST(class)s at this time
but the if statement isn't working, I just get errors about the end where the e-mail is sent.
Also a very weird thing. If in the free hand answers, or even my select answers contain a ' it's replaced with a / in the post feature. How do I make so it stops doing that?
here's the code for my sendmail.php if the code for the form is needed let me know pls
<meta http-equiv="Ascensio; guild; world of warcraft; world of warcrack; wow; guilds; massive multiplayer online role playing games; addiction; community; mmorpg; mmorpgs; mmorpg's" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Ascensio Guild Recruitment</title>
<body bgcolor="#05475f">
<table width="770" border="1" bgcolor="CCCCCC" >
--------------added to show what I put in------------------
if (class="warrior")
if (class="hunter")
echo "Sorry but we aren't recruiting $_POST(class)s at this time."
{ else }
---------------------end of what I added-------------------
echo "Thank you, $_POST[char], for your request. It has been sent to 5 of 11 council members for review, you will be contacted either in game or by e-mail.</p>
<p>The information you inputted was:<br>
Charater Requesting: $_POST[char]<br>
Voucher: $_POST[voucher]<br>
LVL: $_POST[lvl] Class: $_POST[class]<br>
Build: $_POST[build]<br>
Contact E-Mail: $_POST<br>
(only used to contact you for recruitment reasons)<br>
CTPORFILE Link: $_POST[ctprofile]<br>
Professioin 1-$_POST[pro1] Profession 2-$_POST[pro2]<br>
Molten Core- $_POST[mc]<br>
Blackwing Lair-$_POST[bwl]<br>
Vent/mod/add-on Requirements: $_POST[will]<br>
Unbuffed Resists:
About you: $_POST[about]<br>
Why Ascensio: $_POST[whyus]<br>
Old Guild 1: $_POST[og1]<br>
Old Guild 2: $_POST[og2]<br>
Old Guild 3: $_POST[og3]<br>
Reason for leaving each: $_POST[ogreason]<br>
What wait for 5 sunders means to me:<br> $_POST[sunder]<br>
RAID Atten weekly: $_POST[week]<br>
Randomness: $_POST[randomness]<br>
Path Clearing: $_POST[pathdestroy]";
//start building the mail string
$msg = "The information for $_POST[char]
Voucher: $_POST[voucher]
LVL: $_POST[lvl]
Class: $_POST[class]
Build: $_POST[build]
Contact E-Mail: $_POST[email]
(only use for contact for recruitment reasons do not post in forums)
CTPROFILE Link: $_POST[ctprofile]
Profession 1-$_POST[pro1] ----- Profession 2-$_POST[pro2]
Molten Core-$_POST[mc]
Blackwing Lair-$_POST[bwl]
Vent/mod/add-on Requirements: $_POST[will]
Unbuffed Resists:
About you: $_POST[about]
Why Ascensio: $_POST[whyus]
Old Guild 1: $_POST[og1]
Old Guild 2: $_POST[og2]
Old Guild 3: $_POST[og3]
Reason for leaving each: $_POST[ogreason]
What wait for 5 sunders means to me: $_POST[sunder]
RAID Atten weekly: $_POST[week]
Randomness: $_POST[randomness]
Path Clearing: $_POST[pathdestroy]";
//set up the mail
$recipient = "took out the e-mail addresses";
$subject = "Guild Entry for $_POST[char], $_POST[class]";
$mailheaders = "From: Ascensio App form";
$mailheaders = "Reply-To: cgimana@adelphia.net";
//send the mail
mail($recipient, $subject, $msg, $mailheaders);
-Hoped I helped. Don't forget this site is Member supported.