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Form not working after upsizing

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Technical User
Feb 1, 2002
I just upsized my database to sql 2000 and it went well, but my form is not working. My VB code is not working.

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Dim MySQL As String
Dim Tmp As Variant

MySQL = "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE False"

Me![Look For ferstname] = Null
Me![Look For lastname] = Null
Me![Look For customerID] = Null
Me![Look For city] = Null
Me![Look For address] = Null
Me![Look For phone] = Null

Me![Find Customers Subform].Form.RecordSource = MySQL

Me![Look For customerID].SetFocus

End Sub

Can some one help me
What do you mean by WHERE False?

SELECT * FROM customer WHERE False

SQL Server requires a column name or something else to compare in a WHERE clause.

What are you testing/looking for?

Are you looking for a string (word) FALSE?
If so, you need single quotes around the string:

Are you testing for a boolean? If so, you probably need a CASE statement.

Right now your statement, in psuedocode, says:
Show me everything from the customer table where false

It just doesn't make sense.


In VB and Access, a BOOLEAN value is like any other datatype, you can assign it, and True and False are constants. SO "WHERE FALSE" is OK.

In SQLServer, there is no BOOLEAN datatype! (which irks me no end) The result of a comparison like
cannot be assigned to a variable. A BIT is logically equivalent but this wont work:
set @bitvar = (@var>@var2)

So where you need a BOOLEAN CONDITION, you cannot simply have a true/false constant (which doesnt exist anyway), or a variable, you MUST have some comparison.

Use something like:
WHERE (0=1)

Ok Thanks
What I am trying to do is a search in the table customer, search on the customer name or address or etc.

This code is from an old example from microsoft

I ran across this thread while looking for a way to set a condition in a query against field with a boolean value. What I ended up deciding on was to check for 1 (if you're looking for a 'TRUE' record) and 0 (when checking for a 'FALSE' record.) This is a work-around for SQL which doesn't allow the user to code "Where booleanfield = True" Instead use: "where booleanfield = 1"
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