Does anyone know how to get foreign keys to appear in a E-R diagram. I can see all the attributes, but I can't get my tables to list their foreign keys also in the diagrams. Thanks.
AFAIK you may see it only on Server Model Diagram, because due to various options of TRNSFORMING procedure there's no general way to predict which attributes should be added to the table, implementing the underlined enities. Regards, Dima
At the level of the E/R diagram (upper case = abstract level), the will-be foreign keys are represented by the relationships themselves.
It's only when you go down to lower case ( = table implementation level) that those relationships are materialized by columns and foreign keys on the tables.
Therefore, if you want your foreign keys to appear as attributes somewhere, go for lower case - ie: use the Design Editor and build some Server Model Diagrams.
HTH - Didier
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