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Forcing properties to be passed by referece?

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Apr 29, 2002
I'm working on a verification program for a form, I have the code for how to verify each value completed but I'm trying to put the code into a function to make it reusable.

The way I have the code written right now if the user enters a value that is not suitable it changes the visibility of a span tag from 'hidden' to 'visible'.

This works fine if I tell it exactly where to go e.g. tagname.style.visibility = 'visible'.

However when you pass tagname.style.visibility (or any other property It seems) as an argument to a function it only passes the value and not the referance to the variable itself.

Is there any easy way to pass the visibility property like a referance so that I can set the style.visibility property of a tag within the function without explicitly stating which tag but using the arguement passed to the function?

Here is the code I have written you may be able to get a better idea of what I'm trying to do by looking at it:

function verifyInt(intValue, errorVisability) {
if ((intValue != "") && ((isNaN(intValue)) || intValue != parseInt(intValue))) {
errorVisability = 'visible';
else {
errorVisability = 'hidden';
verifyInt(document.form1.dive.value, dive_error.style.visibility);

Thank you in advance for any help offered.
The way it is scripted, errorVisibility seems to be intended as out-param. It won't do. You can pass the element object itself (I suppose dive_error be) and assign the specific property of its style.
function verifyInt(intValue, obj) {
if ((intValue != "") && ((isNaN(intValue)) || intValue != parseInt(intValue))) {
obj.style.visibility = 'visible';
else {
obj.style.visibility = 'hidden';
verifyInt(document.form1.dive.value, dive_error);
I agree with tsuji, it needs the object to be passed to the function parameter but not the object's property.

dive_error[/blue] is an object.

dive_error.style.visibility[/blue] refers to its property.
I agree with tsuji, it needs the object to be passed to the function parameter but not the object's property.

dive_error is an object.

dive_error.style.visibility refers to its property.
Thank you. Passing the object itself worked and will allow me to reuse this code for the other int feilds in the form.

I wish I could have come up with this on my own and not have to bother you guys. I guess you learn these things as you go... again thank you very much for your help.
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