I'm trying to include a header that will make sure my images expire from browser cache. I had originally been told to do something like this <br><br>--<br>use CGI::Response qwSimple);<br>print &NoCache('image/gif');<br>--<br><br>but that gives me a server error. I've used "use File::Copy" before without any problems, but this doesn't seem to work.<br><br>Since then, I've been trying to manually insert the header, but I am likely doing it wrong. At the bottom is my current test script, but it doesn't yield a valid picture.<br><br>Am I writing the header in the correct way? <br><br>I'm working on a months-long project and this is my last bug. I appreciate any advice that anyone can give me: the more thorough, the better.<br><br>James Sharp - <A HREF="mailto:ecokid@sover.net">ecokid@sover.net</A><br><br>--<br><br>#!/usr/bin/perl5<br><br>require 'CGI_LIB.pl';<br>&Parse_Multi;<br><br>print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";<br><br>open(TESTPICFILE, ">../testpicheader.gif"<br>print "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n";<br>print "$CGI{'testpic.gif'}->{'Contents'}";<br>close(TESTPICFILE);