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force new line

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May 28, 2002
during a sql consult i want to "force" continous forms,or datasheet forms, with resulted values ...is it possible???
my form has no RecordSource, i want the values returned by my select...
Yes if you set the form as a continues form and give the form your recordset as you open it.
Do not forget to set the forms auto resize to false.

...give the form your recordset as you open it.
how can i do it????
the results so far is only one line with last record of query....
set a global variable equil to a recordset...

global glrst as recordset

then in the form or button that creates the form, set the glrst = to your sql...

then set the record source in the on open of the report...

just an idea...

--James junior1544@jmjpc.net
Life is change. To deny change is to deny life.
I guess that you open the form from some other form or menu in this form or menu try to insert this:

YrForm.Recordsource="Select * from YrTbl Where ID=" & me!YrField
This should do the trick
my problem is that i want to show in one form information from different tables(but all table are related,linked...), i'd like to show as one table,and so user filter the information viewed...
i go try something like hermanlaksko said.
but if anyone have other ideas, pleeeeease.
You can create the select string via queries in access, then you have the correct answer goto SQL in queries this will give you the string you need for your recordsource.
ok, but now other problem, I have 4 querys....
how can i give form recordsource in runtime(using event OnOpen,ok, but how access querys maded????)
thanks herman, you are being(said being....) a great help.
If your form is made up from 4 queries then this form must have a recordsource, take this for your select.
I am not quite sure what the 4Qs are for the form, comboboxes ??Let me know
no, is not for comboboxes,is to have the information to textboxes , but they will repeat(continous form) info in same cases:
Op Day Mld Pc Opc Mq (header)
Miguel 05-09 D100 aaa zzz qwqw (detail)
Miguel 05-09 D100 aaa zzz asas
Miguel 05-09 D100 aaa xxx asas
Miguel 05-09 D100 bbb xxx asas

so, the way i did table organization, i need 4Qs, ok Qs done,the 4 Qs return all 6 wright columns, and i want to show the 4 results together(simulate one table).......
its possible to give to a form 4 different recordsources?and how access to Qs?? if i want to access a value of other form i make: Me.MyField.Value=Form_other.Other.Value .....
You can do it that way via a Dlookup, but I must admid that I would have done the following - If I have understood you correctly.

In tbl 1 I would have PersonID, Name, etc, in tbl2 I would have ID, PersonID (link to tbl1), Date, Pc, opc. etc.
In doing this I would have the poss to, via a main/sub(continus form) to display the info on a person (combo) and if I like I could add 2 fields date from/to to limit the amount af data shown.

As your data is now you would have to use the dlookup-model, but this is slow.
If you like you can drop the mdb (as a zip) in my mailbox and I will iron the thing a bit for you ;-)
i'm on testings and my db has 8mb...sending in mail...
i'm using one form with 4 subforms, where each one have each different recordsource(each qry).
thanks anyway,
good luck and be happy
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