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Force closed when saving Userform Excel VBA 1

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Nov 29, 2020
Hi, I encountered force closed when saving. Error was not displayed,

Can anyone help me? Thank you.

Here's my code.

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()

    Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim qry As String

    cnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Database.accdb"
    If Me.txtId.Value <> "" Then
        qry = "SELECT * FROM TBL_Customer WHERE ID = " & Me.txtId.Value
        qry = "SELECT * FROM TBL_Customer Where ID = 0"
    End If
    rst.Open qry, cnn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
    If rst.RecordCount = 0 Then
    End If
    rst.Fields("Sen").Value = Me.cmbShift.Value
    rst.Fields("Date").Value = VBA.CDate(Me.txtDate.Value)
    rst.Fields("Lot").Value = Me.txtLot.Value
    rst.Fields("Product").Value = Me.txtPN.Value
    rst.Fields("Item_No").Value = Me.txtItem.Value
    rst.Fields("Serial_No").Value = Me.txtSerial.Value
    rst.Fields("Line_No").Value = Me.cmbLine.Value
    rst.Fields("Shift").Value = Me.cmbShift1.Value
    rst.Fields("Defect").Value = Me.cmbDefect.Value
    rst.Fields("Details_of_Defect").Value = Me.txtDet.Value
    rst.Fields("Connector_Name").Value = Me.txtCon.Value
    rst.Fields("Quantity").Value = Me.txtQty.Value
    rst.Fields("Process").Value = Me.txtProcess.Value
    rst.Fields("Detection_of_Defect").Value = Me.cmbDetection.Value
    rst.Fields("Responsible_Person").Value = Me.cmbResPer.Value
    rst.Fields("Responsible_Leader").Value = Me.cmbResLead.Value
    rst.Fields("Repair_Personnel").Value = Me.cmbRepair.Value
    rst.Fields("Removed_Details").Value = Me.txtRemoved.Value
    rst.Fields("Repair_and_Install_Details").Value = Me.txtIns.Value
    rst.Fields("Standard").Value = Me.txtStd.Value
    rst.Fields("Confirmed_by").Value = Me.txtConf.Value
    rst.Fields("Category").Value = Me.cmbCat.Value
    rst.Fields("Remarks").Value = Me.txtRemark.Value
    rst.Fields("Encoder").Value = Me.txtuser.Value
    rst.Fields("Time Encoded").Value = VBA.Now
    Me.txtId.Value = ""
    Me.cmbShift.Value = ""
    Me.txtDate.Value = ""
    Me.txtLot.Value = ""
    Me.txtPN.Value = ""
    Me.txtItem.Value = ""
    Me.txtSerial.Value = ""
    Me.cmbLine.Value = ""
    Me.cmbShift1.Value = ""
    Me.cmbDefect.Value = ""
    Me.txtDet.Value = ""
    Me.txtCon.Value = ""
    Me.txtQty.Value = ""
    Me.txtProcess.Value = ""
    Me.cmbDetection.Value = ""
    Me.cmbResPer.Value = ""
    Me.cmbResLead.Value = ""
    Me.cmbRepair.Value = ""
    Me.txtRemoved.Value = ""
    Me.txtIns.Value = ""
    Me.txtStd.Value = ""
    Me.txtConf.Value = ""
    Me.cmbCat.Value = ""
    Me.txtRemark.Value = ""
    Call Main
    MsgBox "Updated Successfully", vbInformation
    Call Me.List_box_Data
End Sub
Since this is a VBA in Excel question, you may better be asking it in forum707
This is a 'classic' VB6 forum.

---- Andy

There is a great need for a sarcasm font.
I'm sorry, I'm new to this. Thank you for the enlightenment.
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Part and Inventory Search

