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Folder.Files Collection

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Feb 27, 2002

I want to print out all files in a folder that suit certain criteria. I have a large amount of files and a number of criteria to meet.

The first criteria I have is a filename filter. In VB you can use the Dir Function with a filter string. e.g. *.gif for all GIF files. Is there a method like this within the FileSystemObject?


Si Fitz [afro]
You can use files collections this way (note that in this example, fs is the filesystem object that has been define as global var):
Function FolderContainsFilesWithExt(folderName, extension)
	Dim fol, fil
	Dim cnt

	FolderContainsFilesWithExt = false
	if not fs.FolderExists(folderName) Then
		Exit function
	End if
	Set fol = fs.getFolder(folderName)
	For each fil in fol.files
		if extension = "*" Then
			FolderContainsFilesWithExt = true
			exit for
		end if
		if(right(fil.name,len(extension)) = extension) Then
			FolderContainsFilesWithExt = true
			exit for
		end if

	Set fol = Nothing
	Set fil = Nothing
End Function
Water is not bad as long as it stays out human body ;-)
Thanks, but that was not what I was looking for. I have managed to perform the task I was after, but it probably isn't as efficient as if I was able to perform an immediate filter rather than test the full folder for matches in my code.

Si [afro]
You can use the FileSystemObject method "FileExists" but it doesn't allow joker chars like "*" Water is not bad as long as it stays out human body ;-)
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