I am printing a file to a PICTURE BOX, 23 lines at a time.
On line 23, I stop printing and enter a loop waiting for
the user to CLICK a command button. In all the events,
I have placed and INPUTBOX to let me know if the program
actually went there (eg : validate, lostfocus, click, etc)
and it NEVER does!!! Can anyone tell me why ? I have tried
setting the CausesValidation property of the command button
to both true and false. Doesn't seem to make a difference.
Once the program enters the loop, the keyboard and the
mouse events are no longer active (with the exception of the
BREAK key). HELP ME (waaaaah! haha) Thanks in advance.
On line 23, I stop printing and enter a loop waiting for
the user to CLICK a command button. In all the events,
I have placed and INPUTBOX to let me know if the program
actually went there (eg : validate, lostfocus, click, etc)
and it NEVER does!!! Can anyone tell me why ? I have tried
setting the CausesValidation property of the command button
to both true and false. Doesn't seem to make a difference.
Once the program enters the loop, the keyboard and the
mouse events are no longer active (with the exception of the
BREAK key). HELP ME (waaaaah! haha) Thanks in advance.