I'm trying to get my backup computer running and I recently formatted C. I just noticed there's something strange about the two floppy drives - one is of couse A: but other one is shown as "Removable Drive F". Why did someone set it up as "F" instead of say "B" (some computers used to have two floppy drives A: and B: which actually appeared in the Bias as two separate hard 3-1/2 1.44 drives so they could copy from one floppy to another. What would be the purpose of having a Removable F floppy drive? Should I go into (obviously I'd rather not) the bias and try to change it there (or would it even show up there?).
Speaking of Drives, I keep trying to install a simplistic card game (old one) and it keeps saying Close door to Drive D" (which is the CD ROM). The game I'm trying to install is on a 3.5 floppy disk, not a CD ROM disk and although I've installed this game many, many times over the years on my own computer, it has never said that. Of course, once it's makes the comment Close the door to Drive D, it's stops installing.
Speaking of Drives, I keep trying to install a simplistic card game (old one) and it keeps saying Close door to Drive D" (which is the CD ROM). The game I'm trying to install is on a 3.5 floppy disk, not a CD ROM disk and although I've installed this game many, many times over the years on my own computer, it has never said that. Of course, once it's makes the comment Close the door to Drive D, it's stops installing.