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flip flop lines in a file

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Jul 9, 2003
I have a file full of data entries that are displayed on a page, file is reversed before displaying so the last element will display first. I am trying to create a feature that will allow a user to ascend and descend an element in the list. Basically it will flip flop two sequential lines in a file. I think my logic is right, but for some reason it won't replace the values. Anyone have any ideas on this???

$stock_count = count($old_stock);

foreach($old_stock as $old_stock_line) {
     echo "$old_stock_line<br>";

for($z=1; $z < $stock_count-1; $z++){

     $exploded=explode("|", $first_entry);

echo "<br><br>";
foreach($old_stock as $old_stock_line) {
     echo "$old_stock_line<br>"; 
I'm not really too positive on what you're trying to do here.

Do you want to re-write all the lines to a file, with the possibility that one line may be switched with the one directly below it?

If the original file looks like:


You want to have the capability of making the file look like this?


Am I correct? Also, how would the user specify this?

A polar bear walks into a bar and says, "Can I have a ... beer?"
The bartender asks, "What's with the big pause?
The functionality you are asking for could be easily implemented with a database, MySQL, postgreSQL etc.

I'm also not exactly clear what you want to achieve. It is not evident from your code.
clflava has the idea for the datafile. I will try to illustrate what will be shown in the browser

*each line will have a move up and move down option, except the top and bottom respectively*

Spawn # Description Last Updated
123 test 07/29/04
0987 here 07/29/04
6323 here you go 07/29/04
234 tesing 07/29/04
63 goes here 07/22/04

sample data file
ex: UniqueID|UserSpecifiedID|Description|Date
1|63|description goes here EDITED asdfsa|1090555376
17|6323|here you go|1091133015
18|0987|here we go again|1091133022
19|123|another testing post|1091133033
I am trying to achieve a utility that will allow the user of the script to arrange the data entries any way they feel possible, through the browser. Imagine a table containing data. Each line in the table contains all the data stored for that entry. I want to have arrows off to the right side of each entry. If the up arrow is clicked for a particular entry, then that entry is swapped with the one on top of it. And vice versa for the down arrow. And the first entry would only have a down arrow available, because there is nothing above it, so it can't ascend any farther. And vice versa for the last entry.

Does this help get the idea across???
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