I have a very simple Flex script that pops open a window displaying some customer-specific info from the Order Entry screen in Macola (7.5.103f), when the ShipVia field loses focus. I am running this on Win98 machines. It runs fine on most machines, but on two (so far) I get this run-time error 380-Invalid Property Value message upon loading the Order Entry app, and then again once the screen appears, and whenever you do anything within this screen.
Of course, the machine I really need the mod to run on is one of the two misbehaving machines.
I have tried everything I can think of, playing with properties, using VB controls vs Macola controls, killing all nonessential activities on the machine in question, video settings, reinstalling Macola/Pervisive clients, ect., etc.,etc.
I am hoping that this is something simple that others have run into before. I would greatly appreciate any help. I do not pretend to be a programmer, although I have been dabbling in VB for a while (just enough to get the job done). Below are the pertinent code snippets, although I suspect that this has something to do with the environment of these particular machines are it runs on others just fine.
Option Explicit
Dim rst As New ERSRecSet
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strConnect As String
Private Sub ShipVia_LoseFocus(AllowLoseFocus As Boolean)
strConnect = "DRIVER={Macola 32-BIT Btrieve (*.dta)};DFE=BTR;" & _
"AS=4096;DB=" & macForm.ConnInfo.BtrPath
rst.ConnectString = strConnect
strSQL = "Select Cus_Type_Cd from ARCUSFIL_SQL where cus_no = '" & CStr(Format(macForm.CustNo.Text, "000000000000") & "'"
rst.Open (strSQL)
If (Left(rst("Cus_Type_Cd", 2) = "ID" Or Left(rst("Cus_Type_Cd", 2) = "DM" Then
Set rst = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Option Explicit
Dim rst As New ERSRecSet
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strConnect As String
Dim strSalesLastYear As String
Dim strDateLastChanged As String
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
strConnect = "DRIVER={Macola 32-BIT Btrieve (*.dta)};DFE=BTR;" & _
"AS=4096;DB=" & macForm.ConnInfo.BtrPath
rst.ConnectString = strConnect
strSQL = "Select Cus_Type_Cd, User_Def_Fld_3 from ARCUSFIL_SQL where cus_no = '" & CStr(Format(macForm.CustNo.Text, "000000000000") & "'"
rst.Open (strSQL)
strSalesLastYear = Left(rst("User_Def_Fld_3", 12)
strDateLastChanged = Mid(rst("User_Def_Fld_3", 16, 8)
txtCusType.Text = rst("Cus_Type_Cd"
txtSalesLastYear.Text = strSalesLastYear
txtDateLastChanged.Text = strDateLastChanged
Set rst = Nothing
End Sub
I/T Director
Of course, the machine I really need the mod to run on is one of the two misbehaving machines.
I have tried everything I can think of, playing with properties, using VB controls vs Macola controls, killing all nonessential activities on the machine in question, video settings, reinstalling Macola/Pervisive clients, ect., etc.,etc.
I am hoping that this is something simple that others have run into before. I would greatly appreciate any help. I do not pretend to be a programmer, although I have been dabbling in VB for a while (just enough to get the job done). Below are the pertinent code snippets, although I suspect that this has something to do with the environment of these particular machines are it runs on others just fine.
Option Explicit
Dim rst As New ERSRecSet
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strConnect As String
Private Sub ShipVia_LoseFocus(AllowLoseFocus As Boolean)
strConnect = "DRIVER={Macola 32-BIT Btrieve (*.dta)};DFE=BTR;" & _
"AS=4096;DB=" & macForm.ConnInfo.BtrPath
rst.ConnectString = strConnect
strSQL = "Select Cus_Type_Cd from ARCUSFIL_SQL where cus_no = '" & CStr(Format(macForm.CustNo.Text, "000000000000") & "'"
rst.Open (strSQL)
If (Left(rst("Cus_Type_Cd", 2) = "ID" Or Left(rst("Cus_Type_Cd", 2) = "DM" Then
Set rst = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Option Explicit
Dim rst As New ERSRecSet
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strConnect As String
Dim strSalesLastYear As String
Dim strDateLastChanged As String
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
strConnect = "DRIVER={Macola 32-BIT Btrieve (*.dta)};DFE=BTR;" & _
"AS=4096;DB=" & macForm.ConnInfo.BtrPath
rst.ConnectString = strConnect
strSQL = "Select Cus_Type_Cd, User_Def_Fld_3 from ARCUSFIL_SQL where cus_no = '" & CStr(Format(macForm.CustNo.Text, "000000000000") & "'"
rst.Open (strSQL)
strSalesLastYear = Left(rst("User_Def_Fld_3", 12)
strDateLastChanged = Mid(rst("User_Def_Fld_3", 16, 8)
txtCusType.Text = rst("Cus_Type_Cd"
txtSalesLastYear.Text = strSalesLastYear
txtDateLastChanged.Text = strDateLastChanged
Set rst = Nothing
End Sub
I/T Director