I am adding a Flash intro to a frontpage website. I got the intro to work. It is on <A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> username: concreteco password: b42188. The way I did it messed up my Frontpage website it added two home buttons on the page I changed to index1.htm from index.htm and the table of contents doesn't work. I called the intro movie index.htm(that was the name of my home page in frontpage) because I thought I had to change it to get it to come up first on the web. Should I have left it named intro and left my frontpage website as it was and just uploaded the intro with a get url linking them. <br><br>I just tried that now and it left it named index1.htm even though i changed it back and republished it and it now left off all menu selections. what am i doing wrong?. <br> <br>Your help will be appreciated.<br> <br>