Hi. I worked this script out a month ago and have since had my hard drive crash. Since I only uploaded the .swf and the .html, I can no longer see the code I used or remember it. The functioning page is here:
the bottom button on the left that says, 'Login Instructions for Passport' - when you click it you get a small window with instructions.
The html page has this at the top:
<script language=javascript>
function myWindow(textForWindow){ //do not place window params on this line
var htmlString = "<html>" + textForWindow + "</html>";
myWindow = open('','myWin','height=270,width=300');//<--- alter the window params here
I know the above works. My problem is that there was also a bit of code on the button in the fla file and i can't remember what it was.
It seems like I used GetUrl and put the text of the small window in the URL field somehow.. it's just not working.
Can anyone help me?
here's what I've got now.. same code in the html page; this is the code on the button in the fla file:
on (release) {
getURL ("java script:myWindow('<html>TO ACCESS \"GREAT\" FILES IN PASSPORT <br>1. Access PassPort II site and scroll down to bottom of page. In the SECRET WORD box type \"GREAT\" and click \"Login\". <br>2. Messages and lessons are listed in order that they were posted. Click on lesson title to preview. <br>3. No changes can be made through secret word site, it is for viewing purposes only. <br>Log Out when finished.</html>')");
This permutation succeeded in stopping the errors from popping upon publication. However, I upload it and nada - nothing happens when you clcik it. What have I done wrong?
the bottom button on the left that says, 'Login Instructions for Passport' - when you click it you get a small window with instructions.
The html page has this at the top:
<script language=javascript>
function myWindow(textForWindow){ //do not place window params on this line
var htmlString = "<html>" + textForWindow + "</html>";
myWindow = open('','myWin','height=270,width=300');//<--- alter the window params here
I know the above works. My problem is that there was also a bit of code on the button in the fla file and i can't remember what it was.
It seems like I used GetUrl and put the text of the small window in the URL field somehow.. it's just not working.
Can anyone help me?
here's what I've got now.. same code in the html page; this is the code on the button in the fla file:
on (release) {
getURL ("java script:myWindow('<html>TO ACCESS \"GREAT\" FILES IN PASSPORT <br>1. Access PassPort II site and scroll down to bottom of page. In the SECRET WORD box type \"GREAT\" and click \"Login\". <br>2. Messages and lessons are listed in order that they were posted. Click on lesson title to preview. <br>3. No changes can be made through secret word site, it is for viewing purposes only. <br>Log Out when finished.</html>')");
This permutation succeeded in stopping the errors from popping upon publication. However, I upload it and nada - nothing happens when you clcik it. What have I done wrong?