After some tries it works. I can open Navisphere over InternetExplorer. I can see my CX400 now ;-) But i`ve read a little bit about the flare code which is on the first 5 disks. Hmm, but when i make a raid group (this 5 disks included), what happens when i overwrite all sectors on the raid group? What happens with the falre code?
I cannot create a StorageGroup, i have no AcessLogix enalbed. Is AccessLogic a Software, or is this an Option in NaviSphere. I`ve found no Information about it.
After some tries it works. I can open Navisphere over InternetExplorer. I can see my CX400 now ;-) But i`ve read a little bit about the flare code which is on the first 5 disks. Hmm, but when i make a raid group (this 5 disks included), what happens when i overwrite all sectors on the raid group? What happens with the falre code?
I cannot create a StorageGroup, i have no AcessLogix enalbed. Is AccessLogic a Software, or is this an Option in NaviSphere. I`ve found no Information about it.