I have a section that have 2 fields. the secodn fileds is suppres by formula. Problem is when this field is suppressed, then section don't fit itself - can i do somthing with this? I need to fit this section when the bottom filed is not displayed.
Are you wanting the section at the bottom of the page? That is a section option, and can be made conditional. The opposite of whatever it is that suppresses the field.
Right-click on a section and choose Section Expert. Then choose the formula icon (x+2 and a pencil)
Madawc Williams (East Anglia, UK) Windows XP & Crystal 10
OK, I try describe my problem once again. I have a report with column layout and one section (in the middle of the report) with 3 fileds on it. Left column have one field, right column 2 fields. Now, I suppres the bottom field by formula and then section don't decrease their vertical size, thereby my report have a blank space instead of (suppresed)field. The problem is: how resize section (decrase width) when field is suppresed.
I can't move this field to another section and suppres this section when field isn't display, because, my column layout don't permit to do this.
In the Section Expert - there is a option box entitled "Suppress Blank Section" - tick this on and when the fields return no data in the section - it will suppress.
It is also good practice to put these 3 fields in a subsection of its own. How do you do this? Put your pointer in the left hand gray margin and right click. Choose Insert section below - then drag the 3 fields into that subsection - it will be labelled for instance - Group 1a Group 1b. Put the fields in Group 1b and then in the Section Expert tick on the "Suppress Blank Section".
Almost good, but my report have a column layout and I can't put 2 subsections in some cases. For example my report look like this:
Field AAAAAAA can grow, and field CCCCCC (if isn't suppresed by formula) must bu exaclly under field BBBBBBB. When I put a section between A and B (for example 1A) and put field CCCCCCC into this section my report look like:
CCCCCCC Section 1A
and I have a blank space between field BBBBBBB and CCCCCCC.
I think about formula field that return field BBBBBB concatenated with CCCCCCC (if needed) and put this field with AAAAAAA into one section - what do you think about this? This situation is very offen in my report. How affect number of formula fields on report performance?
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