I am running Tomcat on my pc and I can't seem to view my web page when I try my local ip (but I can view it from localhost in the browser). My friends haven't been able to view it with my ip or domain from their locations outside the network. I have my files (just jsp and html to start) in my root folder (C:\Tomcat_4_1\webapps\ROOT). I have opened up port 80 on my linksys to point to my local static ip. My DSL company alows port 80 traffic and I have a static routable ip through them. DNS is fine. I have zone alarm, will disable it temporarily but hope to have it allow web traffic too. What else do I need to do or am I doing something wrong?
I am running Tomcat on my pc and I can't seem to view my web page when I try my local ip (but I can view it from localhost in the browser). My friends haven't been able to view it with my ip or domain from their locations outside the network. I have my files (just jsp and html to start) in my root folder (C:\Tomcat_4_1\webapps\ROOT). I have opened up port 80 on my linksys to point to my local static ip. My DSL company alows port 80 traffic and I have a static routable ip through them. DNS is fine. I have zone alarm, will disable it temporarily but hope to have it allow web traffic too. What else do I need to do or am I doing something wrong?