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Firmware: VAL Board Upgrade Failing 1

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Apr 18, 2002
Having a bit of trouble with the following Firmware/Patches:

I'm familiar with Firmware and can do the CLAN/Medpro's/IPSI's like a pro, but being challenged by these VAL boards! If anyone has any tips for me they are much appreciated!

VAL: I'm uploading latest firmware to VAL board IP address, I know the process, put, bin, ect. When I do the firware downloading I'm making the source and target board the same
The download is pending for about 4 minutes then it fails.

Thank you!

When you ftp, do a "cd /" without the appostraphes, this will get you to the root directory, upload firmware there.

I think that is your problem. The firmware needs to be in the root directory on the VAL board.
Ah, yes I tried that this was my result:
I'm enable filexfer for the VAL board location then go to DOS
FTP to CLAN and also tried FTP direct to VAL board:

230 User logged in
200 Type set to I, binary mode
ftp>cd /
250 Changed directory to "/"
ftp> put c:/tn2501ap-h0-f17-2-sig.bin
200 Port set okay
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection
226 Transfer complete
fto: 2784748 bytes sent in 6.069Seconds 416.19Kbytes/sec.

I tried all combinations of:
Invalid command.
cd \
Invalid command.
cd/ Invalid command.
cd / Changed directory to "/"

If I do this
ftp>Port set okay
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection tn2501ap-h0-f17-2-sig.bin
226 Transfer complete
ftp: 27 bytes received in 0.00Seconds 27000.00Kbytes/sec.
ftp>ls -ltr
200 Port set okay
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection
Can't open"/-ltr".
550 No files found or invalid director or permission problem
ftp: 02 bytes received in 0.00Seconds 20000.00Kbytes/sec.

If I do this
ftp:>ls -ltr
It says no files found or invalid directory or permission problem.

Thank you!
I don't know, if you are ftp'ing it directly the the VAL,
and you type
cd /
put tn2501ap_fX.bin
you should see the file there.

You can also go to your SAT and type:
list directory board (enter VAL slot #)
From YOUR example, it looks like it did indeed transfer, you can see the
put c:/tn2501ap-h0-f17-2-sig.bin
200 Port set okay
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection
226 Transfer complete
2784748 bytes sent in 6.069Seconds 416.19Kbytes/sec.
Yeah, on the list directory board it dosen't show the file. Strange. I'll keep fussing with it. If I find a solution, I'll let you know. Thank you for your help!
because on VAL direcory not /, but /annc
try it print cd /annc then ls -l

so in ch firm down you must print /annc/your_firmware.bin
for VAL board updates ensure that the .bin file is placed in the root directory and not the annc diretory.
Tolson is right,
It has to be in the root directory, that's why he needs to
cd /
that's cd "with a space" /
I've done lots of them over the years.
Ok, after I re-booted my PC the DOS/FTP upload worked and I could use thethe list directory board (VAL) and see the file there. I will probably try the actual upgrade tomorrow sometime and let you know how it goes. (Must have been something wrong with my PC? Funny because I hardly ever reboot and all other processes I run were perfect throught the week). More soon...THX!
Have you tried using Secure FTP? I generally use SFTP for VAL board as it will allow you to get to the root directory. Still need to follow the same general rules such as using binary transfer.
SFTP isn't native in DOS, so, how do you use SFTP?

I hope this isn't too silly of a question.
To update all on my problem, was something on my PC. I notice that sometimes when doing firmware and working in dos/command prompt and telenet it will just quit working and reboot sets things straight again.

To answer the question on SFTP. You will need to download an FTP program if you're working outside of dos.

I've used several programs, Secure FTP, Bulletproof FTP... but I prefer working in dos. With the FTP programs it gives you a visual of files and locations, some have drag and drop, and many other features useful to people requiring additional features or people who are not familiar with dos commands. You can go out on the Internet and download some FTP programs and play with them, use the one you like best.
It was probably those "Other" internet sites you visit that had your PC hosed up... :) LOL

Glad you got it going Toni.

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Thomas A. Edison

For the best response to a question, read faq690-6594

Am having a similar problem upgrading val board firmware.

My Board is currently a TN2501ap HW03 FW008 trying to upgrade to FW018

Have uploaded the file onto the Val board root directory and can see the file when I do list directory board xxxxx and can see the file when I ftp to the val board.

But when I try to download the firmware it aborts after about 1 minute.

Any ideas???
usually a firmware down load to the card aborts because it was not set to binary transfer.
I tried it again and it worked the error code in display errors indicated that it was an issue with system resources. So tried it latter and it worked ok.
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