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Finding the GIF transparency colour through code

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Nov 12, 2002
Hi - Using good old VB6, is it possible to read in a GIF file and decode the header to find out the transparency value. I would then be able to pop it onto a form or user control and set the transparent value of the parent to allow the GIF edges to show through...
I'm not sure that I'm with you. VB already knows how to correctly display transparent gifs
Hi strongm - I have found a potential solution. The header has byte 7, 8 as width, 9, 10 as height and bytes 14, 15, 16 are the background color:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim nFileNum As Integer
nFileNum = FreeFile
Dim iInput(1 To 16) As Byte
Dim sFile As String
sFile = "C:\Data\Image\GIF\starburst.gif"
Open sFile For Binary Access Read Lock Read Write As #nFileNum

Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 16
Get #nFileNum, i, iInput(i)
Debug.Print i & vbTab & iInput(i)
Close #nFileNum

lblDimensions(7) = iInput(7)
lblDimensions(8) = iInput(8)
lblDimensions(9) = iInput(9)
lblDimensions(10) = iInput(10)

lblFinal = iInput(7) + iInput(8) * 256 & " x " & iInput(9) + iInput(10) * 256

Shape1.BackColor = RGB(iInput(14), iInput(15), iInput(16))

End Sub

The reason is - I put the gif in the picture and maskpicture properties of a user control, resize it and update the control with the correspondingly resized image. The activeX responds best when the mask colour matches the gif trans color. - Ron

P.S. This is done to get the image to float and overlap over several other pictureboxes etc. which of course the image control won't do.

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