John in Texas
We have a NEC UNIVERGE SV8100 PBX running WebPro 9.50 (North America) and DT300 Series phones with the exception of a Polycom SoundStation 2 in our conference room. We are using a PRI T1 consisting of 24 channels. Recently during conference calls, a screeching sound (like someone scraping their fingernails across a chalk board) and static can be heard on the Polycom. It is not always present, but when it is, the screeching sound in particular is very disruptive. I changed out the Polycom with another of the same model, including swapping out it's power supply. Unfortunately, the screeching and static are still there and has gotten worse. Is this likely a problem with cabling or the SV8100 digital station interface card (CD-DLCA) going out?