I use the following function, though there may be a built-in one through syscmd function, where p_tabname$ is the name of a table local to the mdb.<br>
Function ztablocation(p_tabname$) As String<br>
Dim l_db As Database, l_rs As Recordset<br>
Set l_db = CurrentDb()<br>
Set l_rs = l_db.OpenRecordset("Select Distinctrow MsysObjects.Database from MsysObjects where MsysObjects.Name = '" & p_tabname$ & "' and MsysObjects.Type =6", dbOpenSnapshot)<br>
If Not l_rs.EOF Then<br>
l_dbname = l_rs!Database<br>
l_dbname = l_db.Name<br>
End If<br>
ztablocation = l_dbname<br>
End Function
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