I might be way of, but you're not looking for the VB editor, are you? Press [Alt] + [F11]. Doubleklick the module in the workbook that contains your function.
The VB code is displayed in there - select a line early in the code of your function, press [F9]. Toggle back to excel, press [F9] again - this will recalculate, and the break in the code (inserted by [F9]) will stop the execution of the code. Use [F8] to follow the calculation step-by-step.
It ain't as good as documentation, but it might help you to understand the function.
...or you can simply post the code here, as Skip wisely suggested...
// Patrik
To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the IT Professional, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
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