I try to write a rountine for copying/moving data between different workbooks by asking the user to point to the source and destination for the data. I have tried to use the built-in inputbox to obtain this information but could not figure out how to retrieve the workbook name based on the range object. Eventhoug the inputbox does show the information about the workbook name when user point to a cell in another workbook, how to retrieve it is a big problem for me.
I did get some successful when only two workbooks were open by saving the activebook name info and then iterate thru all the open workbook to find out what is the other open workbook name. With this routine users have to close other workbooks that are not needed in the operation before running the routine. This would somewhat becomes inconvenient when asking user to close other workbook which might important to them at the time for other work.
Is there anyway to retrieve the workbook name based on range object which was obtained from the inputbox function? If not, is there any other built-in function that we can use to obtain the workbook name by asking the user to switching between different windows (open Excell files?
I try to write a rountine for copying/moving data between different workbooks by asking the user to point to the source and destination for the data. I have tried to use the built-in inputbox to obtain this information but could not figure out how to retrieve the workbook name based on the range object. Eventhoug the inputbox does show the information about the workbook name when user point to a cell in another workbook, how to retrieve it is a big problem for me.
I did get some successful when only two workbooks were open by saving the activebook name info and then iterate thru all the open workbook to find out what is the other open workbook name. With this routine users have to close other workbooks that are not needed in the operation before running the routine. This would somewhat becomes inconvenient when asking user to close other workbook which might important to them at the time for other work.
Is there anyway to retrieve the workbook name based on range object which was obtained from the inputbox function? If not, is there any other built-in function that we can use to obtain the workbook name by asking the user to switching between different windows (open Excell files?