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Find and replace text

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Technical User
Jun 15, 2001
As a newbie I am trying to construct a batch file to find all instances of a a word "abc" in a bunch of log files and replace with "xyz".
The Findstr command is great,but The replace command only seems to work at the file level.
Any ideas?

Thanks, but a restriction is that I am unable to use 3rd party software to perform this task.I will have to code it in Wscript or Dos
Hello Kaiaualad,

As this is not a script-dedicated forum, I would be very brief and concise here.
[COLOR=green]logfile="c:\log\test.log"[/color]    '<<edit it
set fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
on error resume next
set ts=fso.opentextfile(logfile,1,false)
if err.number<>0 then
    wscript.echo "Cannot load the log file. Operation aborted."
end if
on error goto 0
set ts=fso.opentextfile(logfile,2,false)
ts.write s
set ts=nothing : set fso=nothing
regards - tsuji
I understand the issue you face, and it is sad, as WinGrep is just a wonderful freeware tool. If you have never visited, it would be worth your while to see how excellent some freeware utilities can be:
I note, if it can help, that MS KB articles have several times reference the WinGrep utiliy I first mentioned. This is not a risky thing to use.

So, straight Microsoft stuff:

. I have used this MS tool in several clever ways: and Change.exe if the issue is .ini files:
. And often use this Resource Kit tool from Microsoft as a reasonable equivalent to the Linux Grep:
Direct download for the Win2k resource toolkit for the Munge.exe tool:
Thanks Tsuji - works a treat - also thanks for 3rd party links guys.

Yes, good confidence after reading "MS KB articles have several times reference the WinGrep utiliy,.. not a risky thing to use". But I'm still hesitating. I know two sources for wingrep, after doing some research: or Hurricane Software. Big difference: free versus cost. Does anyone know if MS points us to freeware or pay?
WinGrep is just a wonderful freeware tool.</quote>

When I first come about links to wingrep (distributed via it mentions it is freeware also. I just downloaded/played with it last week. Absolutely agree with you: a wonderful tool.

Then I discover it is a shareware and costs US$30 for registration. Any comment?
An exact quote from the TOP of the download page at

A fully-functioning evaluation version is available for download. There are no differences between this and the registered version. It does not time-expire.

This means that it is indeed freeware, but you can "register" the program. It's basically a donation if you want to donate. But you are not required to pay to use the full features of the program for however long you want to.

Computer/Network Technician
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