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Filtering reports

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Jan 31, 2004
I have a somewhat large report (v10, +600k with data saved) that I would like to open using RAS (v10 embedded Enterprise) and produce PDFs by filtering on one of 4 different fields.

I have something that works but it takes a considerable amount of time to run (over 2 hrs.) but when I apply the filters (record not group) in the report designer they appear to run much quicker

To open the "whole" report and refresh the rowsetcontroller takes about 6 minutes. I have the report options set to save the data with the report and I have created bursting indexes on the four fields I want to filter by.

I open the ReportClientDocument and call the DatabaseController.logon method. I then have four parameters set up two of which are passed to a M$ SQL Server storedprocedure and the other two are only used to display a report title.

I then apply a filter:
Set filter = clientDoc.DataDefinition.GroupFilter.clone(true)
filter.FreeEditingText="trim({sp_Projects_w_Workelements_and_SpendPlans;1.DE}) like """ & v(0,i) & """"

Finally, I apply the filter and export to the PDF.
clientDoc.DataDefController.RecordFilterController.modify filter
call clientDoc.PrintOutputController.Export(5).Save("c:\inetpub\ & replace(v(0,i),"*","_") & ".pdf", True)

The two areas where I think the delays are occuring are as follows.

1.) I read that changing parameters causes the report to refresh. The only paramters that are changing are the report titles which are not used to retrieve any data but I did try removing them and it was still just as slow.

2.) I found that I have to close the document each time after I apply the filter in order to apply a new filter. This is most likely the cause of the problem but when I apply the filter a second time without closing the doc it acts as if it's adding the criteria to the existing instead of replacing it or when I export it is saving the data with the report in it's filtered state. In either case I never explicitly call the save method of the clientdoc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Jeff Becker
thought I should post all of the filtering code.

for i= 0 to ubound(v,2)
sTitle2="Actuals as of the " & sRunDate & " FIS load to WorkElement Explorer (" & v(1,i) & ")"
Set filter = clientDoc.DataDefinition.GroupFilter.clone(true)
filter.FreeEditingText="trim({sp_Projects_w_Workelements_and_SpendPlans;1.DE}) like """ & v(0,i) & """"
response.write filter.FreeEditingText& ".<P>"
clientDoc.DataDefController.RecordFilterController.modify filter
call clientDoc.PrintOutputController.Export(5).Save("c:\some\path\" & replace(v(0,i),"*","_") & ".pdf", True)
response.write filter.FreeEditingText& ".<p>"
if i =3 then exit for
I filtered/exported the report twice and then saved the report (clientdoc.save). I then opened the report and the report was empty but when I removed the filter I got the first filter's data.

Could the export method be causing the report to save the data?

Closing the report and then re-opening it again before applying the next filter works correctly.
I finally found the way to do this.

clientDoc.DataDefController.ParameterFieldController.SetCurrentValue "","@" & sType, cstr(rs.fields(sType).value)
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