My database is ingredients. . . I may have several suppliers for that one ingredient. Each ingredient may come from a different country. Let me show you.
88585 - Garlic - Kroger - India, China, USA
88585 - Garlic - Marsh - Canada, Mexico, China
I have a subreport that has all of these countries listed (as follows)
88585 - India
88585 - China
88585 - USA
88585 - Canada
88585 - Mexico
88585 - China
When I run a report on my Formulas and I am looking for the Country of Origin for all the ingredients that go into my product. I type in my formula number and I get the list as follows (A) if I "hide duplicates" it looks like (b)
(A) (B)
India India
China China
Canada Canada
Mexico Mexico
I am trying to get rid of the gaps but I also cannot have duplicate countries. Can anyone please help me
88585 - Garlic - Kroger - India, China, USA
88585 - Garlic - Marsh - Canada, Mexico, China
I have a subreport that has all of these countries listed (as follows)
88585 - India
88585 - China
88585 - USA
88585 - Canada
88585 - Mexico
88585 - China
When I run a report on my Formulas and I am looking for the Country of Origin for all the ingredients that go into my product. I type in my formula number and I get the list as follows (A) if I "hide duplicates" it looks like (b)
(A) (B)
India India
China China
Canada Canada
Mexico Mexico
I am trying to get rid of the gaps but I also cannot have duplicate countries. Can anyone please help me