Hello guys,
First of all, I would like to thank you for the time in reading my post, as it could be rather lenghty... And this is also my first time creating a properly normalized table. I have been creating Access databases before, but were not properly normalized. I have been creating spreadsheet like tables/databases before instead of a relational database tables etc...
I have a question with regards on how I will be able to filter date/text through a sub-form? This situation is new to me since before I have been using a spreadsheet style method which makes it easier to filter.
Basically what this database/our project does is that, we have a client (a Bank) wherein we index loan files for them, and sometimes create ASR (Asset Summary Report) for certain loans. They will send us notifications that they want a loan indexed, and we use this database to track our statuses for the loans we index for them. There will be different phases a loan will go through from receiving a new request up until we return the file to the client (documents received, indexing in process, indexing complete, indexing QC (quality control) in process, indexing QC complete etc...) which we put date fields, so we now on what day was this work being done.
My question now is, since we have multiple users in the database, I would like to be able to have a button on my form (Draft Form) that filters for a loan that has been worked on by the user who logged in from the login form AND loans that hasn't been worked on yet... So in example, if I logged in the database as Samuel Adams, then when I open the Draft Form, the loans that would appear on my queue are loans that I have worked on (put my name in a status -- like indexing in process etc...) And loans that hasn't been worked by anyone yet.
My Main form is bound to this query
Then my subform which is linked to the main form via Situs_ID is bound to Indexing_Loan_Status Table. The table structure is:
LoanStatusID - PK
Situs_ID - FK to Job_Tracking
InStChID - FK to Indexing_Status_Change
Indexing_Status_Change table structure is:
Status - (which lists all of the different status the loan could go through)
Any help is greatly appreciated and please let me know if I need to give more information.
Thank you,
First of all, I would like to thank you for the time in reading my post, as it could be rather lenghty... And this is also my first time creating a properly normalized table. I have been creating Access databases before, but were not properly normalized. I have been creating spreadsheet like tables/databases before instead of a relational database tables etc...
I have a question with regards on how I will be able to filter date/text through a sub-form? This situation is new to me since before I have been using a spreadsheet style method which makes it easier to filter.
Basically what this database/our project does is that, we have a client (a Bank) wherein we index loan files for them, and sometimes create ASR (Asset Summary Report) for certain loans. They will send us notifications that they want a loan indexed, and we use this database to track our statuses for the loans we index for them. There will be different phases a loan will go through from receiving a new request up until we return the file to the client (documents received, indexing in process, indexing complete, indexing QC (quality control) in process, indexing QC complete etc...) which we put date fields, so we now on what day was this work being done.
My question now is, since we have multiple users in the database, I would like to be able to have a button on my form (Draft Form) that filters for a loan that has been worked on by the user who logged in from the login form AND loans that hasn't been worked on yet... So in example, if I logged in the database as Samuel Adams, then when I open the Draft Form, the loans that would appear on my queue are loans that I have worked on (put my name in a status -- like indexing in process etc...) And loans that hasn't been worked by anyone yet.
My Main form is bound to this query
SELECT Job_Tracking.Situs_ID, Job_Tracking.Project, Job_Tracking.Facility_Number, Job_Tracking.Requested_By, Job_Tracking.Client_Sponsor, Job_Tracking.Property_Loan_Name, Job_Tracking.PortfolioID, Job_Tracking.Date_Requested, Job_Tracking.FileSourceID, Job_Tracking.Specific_File_Instructions, Job_Tracking.File_Completion_Requested_Date, Job_Tracking.Date_Situs_Received_File, Job_Tracking.Situs_Est_Date_Of_Completion, Job_Tracking.PriorityID, Job_Tracking.Link_To_Completed_Files
FROM Job_Tracking;
Then my subform which is linked to the main form via Situs_ID is bound to Indexing_Loan_Status Table. The table structure is:
LoanStatusID - PK
Situs_ID - FK to Job_Tracking
InStChID - FK to Indexing_Status_Change
Indexing_Status_Change table structure is:
Status - (which lists all of the different status the loan could go through)
Any help is greatly appreciated and please let me know if I need to give more information.
Thank you,