I guess I understand the concept, but can't tranlate it into actual codes - or make it to work right.
I can copy the 1st recordset successfully, and find the last row, but when I copy the 2nd recordset, the previous load disappears from the spreadsheet. What's the right way to copy the 2nd recordset?
I tried with your example, then modified a bit (I use Cells, instead of Range during the 1st copy):
With SS1.ActiveSheet
For i = 0 To adoRsB.Fields.Count - 1
.Cells(1,i+1).Value = adoRsB.Fields(i).Name
.Cells.copyFromRecordset adoRsB
LastRow = adoRsB.RecordCount + 1
Set adoRsB = Nothing
Set adoRsC = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
adoRsC.CursorType = 1
adoRsC.LockType = 3
adoRsC.Open sGLSQL, adoCnn
msgbox lastrow
.Cells(LastRow+1,1).CopyFromRecordset adoRsC
Set adoRsC = Nothing
End With
SS1.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
With this above code, I see the 1st copy worked fine, then when 2nd copy 'erase' the 1st copy and only fills the A2 cell with 1st column name of the 2nd recordset.
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