Hi! Has anybody fixed the bug of XP-Pro where in you cannot properly search a text file that contains a particular string inside? This is one thing that I missed in Windows 2000 Pro. If anybody can help me, I will really appreciate it. Thanks
and find this file and fix xp_persisthandler.vbs - Enable XP's "Search" to find text in files. It is reached via Win XP Fixes/ Win XP Search Problems/ Can't find files containing text.
Windows search behaving very very strange regarding asp files and <%
If you have any plain text file, like the norm, txt/htm/xml/cs/js or with exactly the same content, you can do a find in file search on it. However if you save that same plain text file in another less common format, but still plain text, such as .ADM or .SMS, you cannot do a Find In File on it. Any ideas on a way around this?
Hope this Helps.
Neil J Cotton
njc Information Systems
Systems Consultant
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