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Filemaker as a front to an ODBC database

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Aug 14, 2001
Is there a way to make FM 6.0 a front end to an ODBC database? I can import data with ease, but I'd like to not only import data, but to query, update, and delete records via a FM form.
that sounds like you are trying to go from 2->1?! Is this because you want to avoid HTML design or something? Depends on each DB...but if you go ODBC why not use native programming language to connect to its DB.So if you use MSSQL why not ASP.If you use FM then CMDL OR ASP[ODBC].If you use MySQL why not PHP. If you use FM as a front end I think you will spend a lot of time import/export/fix the relations especially if the users are not familiar with the databases.(i.e. FM is very forgiving when naming Fields but ODBC DB such as MSAcces or MSSQL WILL not tollerate that naming...sooooooo here comes overtime and weeke hours :)
Anyway, what is the DB<-->ODBC you would like to use?!
let me know
My company is using informix 7.3 on an HP-UX platform. As a front end we have used ASP(VBscript) and PHP via ODBC, but a number of departments are increasingly importing data from the informix database into filemaker and then using filemaker as a reporting tool.

The main problem: for political reasons I can't get rid of filemaker and convince the adminstration to buy something like crystal reports. Also all of the end users love filemaker because of its ease of use and they don't need my help creating scripts. So I am faced with attempting to use filemaker as a front end to the informix database and attempting to use it as a reporting tool.

I've read at least one article (from clickware I believe) saying that it is possible to create a front end in filemaker, but I can't fid any technical information telling me how.
Hello dmaranan !
Welcome to the club! I inherited FM as well so I know what you mean; FM gives that false feeling of ease of use but at the same time if your users are not familiar with the &quot;real&quot; DB design you might be in for some major work trying to fix their mistakes :). Anyhow, I belive that you can assign SQL functions to buttons created in FM.I know also, just like you said, that FM will work with ASP as front end [ODBC in FM is not what you would call a SpeedFreak but it works].
If your users are not SQL savy you might want to make pure SQL statements into some small &quot;AddRecord.txt&quot; and have them paste it into functions of FM. SO in other words they could :
-----In FM----
- Insert Button
- Perform SQL command
- Copy and paste your SQL from text file
This would work if you use the same functions through the departement and same DB.
It really depends how you want to approch it...I like ASP better....maybe you can make some XML and have them import recoreds that way rather than ODBC!
Sorry my advice is mostly conceptual since I am not a programmer per say but I hope it gives you some ideas
I've not yet upgraded from 5.5 to 6, but you make it sound as though it's a piece o' cake to access data (read-only) from another database. I'd like to do that from an Oracle database. Do I need any third-party software?
well what can I say...&quot;making paper planes is easy...making those that fly is harder...only professionals make jets&quot;
Where do you see your slef?
FileMaker has ODBC capabilites(that are not so good) to imprt-export data.(full stop)
Now, if you are talking about the using Oracle to grab data from FM then you need to look into Oracle-ODBC concept. If you want to use FM to get the data from Oracle then ..Yes FM can connect to import data assuming that you have ODBC setup corrctly. Version 5.5 or 6 (7 on its way) will do the same.....
hope this is something....I need more details before I can give you any concrete answer!
To answer some of Lebisol's questions:
Although I know my way around FileMaker pretty well, I'm not as fluent at making connections to other databases.
My main goal is updating my FM database with the latest training records of our employees. Those records are stored in an Oracle database.
My current mechanism involves a hand-written interface in which I use SQL*Plus to feed the queries to Oracle. The subsequent replies are stored in a file which an external script then parces into FM.
Although this mechanism works great, I would really like to eliminate SQL*Plus and the parcing and do all from within a Win2K PC version of FM.
You can chech if your ODBC is configured with FM.Go to File-->ImportRecords-->ODBC source.. and you should find your Oracle in there. If you do not have it....Start-->Settings-->Control Pannel-->Administrative Tools-->ODBC--->[System DSN]-->Add...
and add your ODBC for Orcle. Now you can import records.
this is as far as I can take you. Maybe some one here has more experience with Oracle.
good luck
Hey! That looks promising, Steve. Checking it out. THANKS!
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